Subversion Users
- "cloak" a part of tree?
- "freezing" a tag or branch tree
- "make" results in "multiple inclusion of files"
- "missing" feature
- "svnadmin create" core dump
- 'snapshot' from sourcefiles of different folders
- 'update' question
- (--incremental ) was backup strategy - and unrecoverable data bases.
- (--incremental ) was backup strategy - and unrecoverable databases.
- (no author) log messages even though using authenticated access
- 0.29.0 -> 1.0.2 upgrade; building svnadmin for 0.29.0?
- 1.0.2 RPMs for RHEL3
- 1.0.3 release scheduling)
- 1.0.4 RPMs from ?
- [again] mod_authz_svn, mixed configuration, (no author) fixed
- [again] mod_authz_svn, mixed configuration, (no author) problem
- [ANN] Subversion Manager v1.0 for OS X
- [bug?] can't update a single file/dir from HEAD if it doesnt exist in the WC
- [Kdiff3-user] Suggestion: kdiff3 should accept options '-u' and '-L'
- [OT] Digest
- [OT]Delete/Undelete modified working copy
- [PATCH] German translation
- [PATCH] German translation, take 2
- [ViewCVS-dev] latest viewcvs on SVN repository, with SVN URLs
- A query
- Aborted commits and commit messages
- Access Control and ViewCVS
- Active Directory authentication for Subversion
- Adding external symlinks to svn repositories
- Allowing users to change passwords through apache
- Alternative to Fink install for OS X?
- Another broken BDB
- Anti-virus
- Any thoughts on using Subversion as a general backup tool?
- Any way to set relative root for svnserve?
- Any way to specify Date/Time on commits?
- Anyone have Subversion starting up automatically on OS X boot?
- Anyone managed to build subversion on SCO Openserver 5?
- Are MIME/Types worth the config? (was: Subversion and Project Environments)
- Authorname munging
- auto-props and svn:keywords
- Auto-setting properties on new files?
- Automatically marking tags as read only
- AW: Companies Using Subversion
- AW: NetBSD: "Non-ascii character detected..."
- AW: New to Versioning - Need help selecting
- AW: Polish translation
- AW: reverting changes to svn-base files
- Backing up a live repos
- Backup of Win32 repository
- backup strategy - and unrecoverable databases.
- Backup techniques
- Bad conversion
- Behavior of svn move
- Berkeley DB 4.0 patched packages
- Berkeley DB erro while creating environment for filesystem
- Berkeley DB error + svnadmin freezes
- Berkeley DB error - Not enough space
- Best practices for managing chaos?
- Branching: not getting it
- browser-based system with subversion
- Bugs in libs and MSVC project
- Building apr on sinix mips
- Building subversion
- building Subversion 1.0.3 on Woody
- Building subversion on Solaris
- Building under Solaris with Apache, BDB4.2
- Can accept HTTPS certificate under windows
- Can't check out working copy
- Can't read directory: Value too large for defined data type
- Can't recode string / cannot set LC_CTYPE locale
- Can't SVN::Push to svn+ssh
- Cannot Commit to SVN 1.0.1
- cannot test SWIG Perl binding
- Cant accept HTTPS certificate under windows
- case problems under Windows
- Check out subdirectory problem after checking out non-recursively.
- Checking out a repository to a network share
- checking out single files not possible?
- checkout: REPORT request body empty (Content-length: 0)
- Clean Install
- client certificate troubles
- command-line error: reference to non-existent revision???
- Comments on the book
- Commercial support for Subversion
- Commit - Approve cycle ?
- Commit failed - Berkeley DB error while opening 'strings' table : Resource device
- Commit hooks and control of bad development practices?
- Commiting a second time results in internal server error
- Commiting causes entry in error log: trailing slash?
- Companies Using Subversion
- conflict: strange conflict marking
- Contribution: XSLT stylesheet for subversion xml logs, comments needed
- Coping with repository bloat
- Core dump when using SVN::Client ls
- Corrupted Repository, Can't Recover
- Couldn't determine repository path (in Windows XP)
- Creating complex tag with mixed revisions fails
- Custom Win32 binaries
- CVS like $Revision$ variable?
- db42-support-patch.txt
- DB_INCOMPLETE: cache flush was unable to complete
- db_recover win32 binaries anyone?
- Debian unstable SVN status
- Default login name incorrect
- Delete repository
- Delete/Undelete modified working copy
- Deleting things from svn
- Determine files that have changed between revisions
- Died at line 181.
- diffing
- Directory permissions for dirs in the repo
- Do Auto-props work on files already committed?
- Documentation problem report, .pdf version only:
- Downloading a file using a web browser
- Downloads
- dump + svndumpfilter --drop-empty-revs + load = error?
- Dump / load question
- Edit commit/log messages after the commit
- Enhanced Project/Tag/Branch management
- Enhancement: "--version" option hard to find
- Error
- Error during checkout - svn: Date parsing failed
- Error getting SSL to work on Apache w/ Subversion
- Errors on commit...
- Examples of python scripts using API
- export override
- ezmlm warning
- Failed to build NEON
- Fedora RPMs
- File not found: transaction 'ct', path 'trunk/Setup'
- File not found: transaction 'x', path /X/Y/Z
- file:// and permission denied
- file://.... URL does not work
- Filename case
- Filesystem has no such representation
- Finding when a file disappeared?
- FS Backend Storage
- Fwd: Bitkeeper News Redux
- Fwd: How to do a "dry run" of svn update
- Fwd: Newbie needs help upgrading SVN
- Fwd: Subversion Config.
- Getting version details from post-commit?
- Graphical Merge Tool ?
- GUI client tool for Mac platform?
- Had a crash and now....
- Hangs when committing in lots of files?
- Hardware Recommendations
- Help!! About to give up on subversion...
- Hi to all..
- Home: Cannot commit, LAN: Can commit, Small: Can commit, Large, Cannot commit - whats the point???
- on windows
- problem?
- unable to backup large ( 8GB ) repository
- How can I receive more information when an error occurs?
- How to do a "dry run" of svn update
- How to find the ceiling...
- How to make nonversioned file
- How to properly URI encode a string?
- httpd or svnserve
- hvn verify hangs?
- I can't write with a WebDAV client
- Idea for dealing with text-file line endings
- Illogical behavior of svn commit
- Import/Conversion
- impossible to commit
- Initial Import Error
- Is "not found: transaction xy" bug official?
- Is it OK to rename repository directory?
- Is it possbile to check out a single folder?
- Is it possible to check out a part of the repository tree?
- Is there a way to do an exclusive edit on a file?
- Is there a way to have users@subversion email traffic batched on a daily basis?
- israel
- Kompile error: libtool
- Large Attachments Posted to the List?
- Large Attachments Posted to the List? (was: "svnadmin create" core dump)
- Large Attachments Posted to the List? (was: "svnadmin create"core dump)
- Large binaries in svn: can clean copies be disabled?
- Large Binary File Storage
- Large strings, problems has not been occurred, but worried.
- latest viewcvs on SVN repository, with SVN URLs
- Little Question
- lock in svn_fs__bdb_get_node_revision
- maintainer mode
- make error on SuSE Linux 9.0 on AMD 64
- Malformed network data
- malformed xml error
- Managing Hook Scripts
- Managing SQL in the repository
- Managing SQL in the repository (was: Organization Advise)
- Merge problems
- Merging a second-order branch
- Merging moved files
- Merging read-only files
- Migration from StarTeam to Subversion
- Migration from StarTeam to Subversion]
- missing lib
- mod_auth_pam, pam_winbind, & apache require group
- monitoring user login
- Moved SVN server from W2K to SuSE Linux 9.0
- Moving a tag
- Moving directory in repository breaks 'undelete' capability
- Multiple Keywords in [auto-props]
- Mutiple Users for One Checked out Repository
- Need some help getting subversion working on Fedora Core 2
- Need to run update several times
- Neon dependency question
- NetBSD: "Non-ascii character detected..."
- new Patch Manager needed (request for volunteer)
- New to Versioning - Need help selecting
- newbie DELETE/UUID problem...
- Newbie needs help upgrading SVN
- Newbie Using Subversion and WebSVN - Frequent DB corruption
- newbie vs access control
- newbie: question on keywords (Rev, Author etc.)
- No module named libsvn.fs in ViewCVS
- Norwegian (Bokmål - nb.po/no.po) translation: preview
- obtaining changed files between two dates
- option equivalent to cvs's -n
- Oracle Database backend????
- Organization Advise
- Other people's delete dir causes my update to assert?
- out-of-date problem -- I don't get it
- partial checkout of a repository
- Password asking 2 times in svn+ssh URL
- PCVS bridge
- performance dependency from disk type?
- Performance Issues
- picky minor typo
- Polish translation
- Port of svn-vc.el for xemacs?
- Possible bug in svnversion/install
- Possible bug with "svn import"
- post-commit question
- pre-commit hook question
- Probfind error bei chechout
- Problem accessing SVN repository using svn+ssh...
- Problem connecting to DAV based SVN with SVN client
- Problem finding BerkeleyDB.4.2 when configuring Apache 2.0.49
- Problem python bindings
- Problem python bindings "SWIG_Python_TypeQuery"
- problem with checkout from windows
- problem with recovery test
- Problems configuring Subversion 1.02 and Apache2 on Windows XP
- Problems installing on Solaris 7
- Problems Merging
- Problems with AuthName when using mod_auth_sspi with SVN & Apache
- Problems with mod_authz_svn (bug in svn_config_enumerate?)
- problems with python bindings
- Problems with svn copy and svn move and an httpS server
- Properties-Question
- PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/test-project'
- PROPFIND request failed, SSL & Firewalls
- propset test error in 1.0.2 and 1.0.3
- proxy configuration
- Query
- Question about "labeling" functionality
- Question on global ignores
- Questions about tag style branch/merge approach
- questions before switching from cvs to svn
- Questions on system-wide config file
- RapidSVN 0.6.0 released
- raw mailing list archives available??
- recovering subversion 0.35.1 repository after several stupid things happened
- recursive add
- REPORT request failes on /doc/!svn/vcc/default
- repos on a USB flash drive
- repositories and backups...
- Repository setup question
- Repository version on Redhat ?
- required group permissions
- Rescuing a repository
- restricting access with mod_authz_svn
- reverting changes to svn-base files
- Revision # theoretical upper limit
- Revision # theorhetical upper limit
- Revision Differences
- revision keywords
- Roadmap for 1.1?
- rpm's for redhat 9 ?
- RV: Problem python bindings
- Segfault durring commit?
- segfaults on AIX 5.1L
- segmentation faults all over
- Seting svn:ignore to "*" does nothing.
- setting keywords prop automatically via .subversion/config file?
- setting up "create + read-only" for tags
- Sharing a working copy among different users
- Should a working copy always be up-to-date after a successful commit?
- Show complete path in "Won't delete locally modified file 'foo'"
- snv:keywords - want current checked out working revision ID
- Some questions on configuring a Subversion daemon under BSD (OS X, actually).
- Somewhat corrupted repository: Berkeley DB Permissions errors on SVN 1.0.2
- specify file name to
- SSPI: can the domain name be removed from the username stored in svn?
- Subclipse/Win and self signed SSL certificate
- Subversion 1.0.2 released.
- Subversion 1.0.2, SuSE 9.0 => Core dump
- Subversion 1.0.3 Package for Mac OS X
- Subversion 1.0.3 released. *SECURITY FIX*
- Subversion 1.0.4 released.
- subversion across strict corporate firewall
- Subversion admin directory naming threads collected
- Subversion and FC2
- Subversion and Project Environments (Dev / Test / Prod)
- Subversion Bindings for Use with C# / .NET
- Subversion client binary for HP-UX 11.00 / 11.11?
- Subversion clients for osX?
- Subversion commit e-mail notification
- subversion compil pb
- Subversion Cookbook - Advice and Best Practices on Branching and Merging
- Subversion error "Can't determine the user's config path" on windows
- Subversion hairstyles
- SubVersion install in RedHat Enterprise Linux 3
- Subversion installation woes
- Subversion is down, and we are stressing
- Subversion LAN server
- Subversion newbie
- Subversion on IIS
- Subversion on redhat el 3
- Subversion on RHES 3.0 (Taroon Update 1)
- Subversion pattern advice
- Subversion Questions
- Subversion repository design and operation for CMM2 ?
- Subversion RPMs for Fedora
- Subversion testimonials wanted
- Subversion utilities
- Subversion with Active Directory for Authentication -- Strategies
- Subversion with Emacs
- Subversion with multiple read/write replicated repositories
- subversion's storing / diffing techniques
- subversion-1.0.4: Cannot load into server: undefined symbol: dav_svn_split_uri
- Suddenly corrupted Subversion repository.
- SVN (client only) on HP-UX 11.11
- SVN 1.0.2 on Windows 2000 using IBM HTTP Server 2.0.47
- svn 1.0.3 static builds for linux, solaris, mac
- svn as version control on
- SVN as windows service?
- SVN as windows service?]
- SVN Book...
- svn cleanup: Can't open file '.../KILLME': The file exists
- svn client fails with Berkeley DB error Cannot allocate memory - repository wedges
- svn consumes all memory
- svn copy WC->URL: Diffs only?
- SVN Log gotcha...
- svn ls - could it list non repo directories?
- SVN Push and deployment
- svn+ssh / OpenSSH / Win XP / Connection closed unexpectedly
- svn+ssh from windows client
- svn.exe option to give version of subversion
- svn: error: cannot set LC_ALL locale
- svn: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
- svn:ignore -- Not working for me!
- svn:mime-type and */*+xml
- svnadmin dump with URL?
- svnadmin hotcopy failing
- svnadmin hotcopy pro blem with strings > 2G)
- svnadmin hotcopy problem with strings > 2G
- svnadmin recover <repname> hangs
- SVNIndexXSLT, server-side processing?
- SVNIndexXSLT, server-side processing? [solution]
- svnlook & perl question
- SVNParentPath and Alias
- svnserve -- password-db variable for Windows
- svnserve -r option with ssh
- svnserver on win xp home: is it started up?
- system user authentication
- Tagging Conventions
- Tagging Discontiguous Commits
- technique for excluding build products
- The same question
- Too Many Cooks!
- TortoiseSVN overlay question
- tree view of repository including following external references
- Trouble installing server from RPMs
- Undo import
- Unix configuration files under subversion
- Upcoming book release...
- Update problem
- Update to
- Updating RedHat 9 RPMs to 1.0.3
- Upgrade to 1.0.2 from .37 (windows)
- Upgrading subversion
- URL with encoded chars
- Using national symbols in commit messages?
- Using Subversion for storing documents
- Using Subversion with JBuilder?
- Vendor branch help
- ViewCVS and subversion
- ViewCVS is safe
- virtual users
- Visual SourceSafe Migrator Project:
- VSS to SVN migration script
- vss2svn error
- Vss2Svn report
- wedged repository
- Weird problem during initial checkout
- Where to start digging for a problem?
- Win32 case-sensitivity problems (was: Custom Win32 binaries)
- Win32 editor helper
- win32: gen-make doesn't work for me since rev9761 (SWIG support?)
- windows clients filename case 5min lockup
- Windows hooks
- Windows svn+ssh setup
- XML output in browser
- Yet another svn and ssh methodology
[Subversion] ·
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