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RE: Any thoughts on using Subversion as a general backup tool?

From: Tim Gebhardt <subversion_at_gebhardtcomputing.com>
Date: 2004-05-30 08:58:33 CEST

I don't think it's such a bad idea. Check out this article:


This guy keeps all of his stuff in CVS. Subversion is a compelling
replacement for CVS, so Subversion should only work better. If you read the
article, all the stuff that the guy complains about is stuff that has been
fixed with subversion (moving files, directories, binaries, etc.).

The coolest benefit it looks like from the article is the ability to have
all your bash/emacs/x11/etc settings migrate with you no matter where you
go. Just run a svn update wherever you are and it's like you're sitting at
home. It also has the added side effect that all of your stuff will be
inadvertently mirrored across several computers (and it should be all up to
date), making backups very simple an unobtrusive (so you'll actually do

Tim Gebhardt
--Without C we would only have BASI, OBOL, and PASAL--

>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Kenneth McDonald [mailto:kenneth.m.mcdonald@sbcglobal.net]
>>>Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 1:38 AM
>>>To: users@subversion.tigris.org
>>>Subject: Any thoughts on using Subversion as a general backup tool?
>>>I was curious as to what sort of experimentation might have been done
>>>using Subversion as a general backup tool, and if people have
>>>suggestions etc. My guess is that is probably not quite suitable for
>>>use, but I'm wondering...
>>>My specific situation is that I have a Macintosh Powerbook with a 60 Gb
>>>hard drive.
>>>I also have a couple of external 120 Gb Firewire drives, which I use
>>>for backup.
>>>I have Retrospect Express, but don't use it as often as I should, since
>>>it has
>>>such a godawful user interface. I manually back up my really critical
>>>regularly, but don't have a good backup system for my HD as a whole.
>>>considered trying rsync or psync, but when it comes right down to it,
>>>_really_ want something which lets me restore a file or directory to a
>>>state as of
>>>a given previous date.
>>>So if people could give their comments on how one might use Subversion
>>>in this manner (and if it has been done successfully), I'd be most
>>>Some potential problems I could see are things like ensuring Subversion
>>>has access to _all_ the files on the HD, speed of backup and of checking
>>>files for changes, and of course, what do you do about the fact that
>>>applications and users won't pleasantly use 'svn add', 'svn delete', and
>>>'svn move' when they change things on the HD.
>>>Ken McDonald
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Received on Sun May 30 09:02:22 2004

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