I'm sorry, but I don't know how to get you out of that one.
In all honesty I don't know whether 336 will be empty or whether it will
renumber. I think it will not renumber and there'll be a hole.
If I remember correctly, the revision numbers are in the dumpfile.
Perhaps you should simply try it? Since you have the dump you can always
remove the result and try something else.
-- Jan Evert
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc Haisenko []
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 3:26 PM
> To: Jan Evert van Grootheest;;
> Subject: Re: Rescuing a repository
> On Friday 14 May 2004 14:14, Jan Evert van Grootheest wrote:
> > Marc,
> >
> > Exactly!
> > It would get you a working repository on short term, I think.
> >
> > This is a bit theoretical. I'm sure one of the svn developers will
> correct
> > me if I'm wrong...
> >
> > If you svnadmin dump then it starts off with the first revision being
> > dumped completely (check the documentation on --incremental!). As such,
> > revision 337 should contain those images!
> > It doesn't say it with that many words, but --incremental skips the
> > complete dump of the first revision instead dumping only the delta. That
> > forces the user to first load a previous dump as a starting point.
> >
> > Of course, if dumping 337 needs 336 you're still toasted.
> >
> > As to loading it... I wouldn't be surprised if you could just load both
> and
> > get a hole at 336.
> > Just try svnadmin load.
> >
> > -- Jan Evert
> Ah, but I discovered a little problem: our versions are in fact SVN
> repository
> revisions, so if one revision is left out in this process then all
> following
> revisions are one off, e.g. what's now revision 500 would then be revision
> 499... so the question would then be how to insert a revision in the
> process.
> I thought it could work like this:
> # svnadmin load /export/svnrepository-new < dump.0:335
> # svn co file://export/svnrepository-new myworkingcopy
> # cd myworkingcopy
> # touch .dummy
> # svn add .dummy
> # commit -m "A dummy revision"
> Blabla, revision 336 committed.
> # svnadmin load /export/svnrepository-new < dump.incremental.337:HEAD
> But I think this would work, as the then inserted 336 would have a newer
> date
> than the following 337, doesn't it ?
> C'ya,
> Marc
> --
> Marc Haisenko
> Systemspezialist
> Webport IT-Services GmbH
> mailto:
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