Concerning Re: conflict: strange conflict mark
Ben Collins-Sussman wrote on 10 May 2004, 12:11, at least in part:
> Can you attach the 3 fulltext files to an email, and then also show us
> the merged result with conflict markers? Be sure to cc: sander striker,
> because it's his libsvn_diff library which is doing the 3-way merge and
> producing conflict markers. Maybe he can comment on the result.
Argh! They are gone, again. First resolved the conflicts and only
after work I thought of posting while scanning through the day's list
mail and happening to notice my previous posting on conflict
markers. As a matter of fact I have widely resigned posting
troubles and annoyances, just try to get along and avoid the
situation in future (e.g. if something causes trouble like eol-style
property when switching between trunk/branch, well, then it is not
used anymore). That surely is nothing but helpful for you, however,
I simply had to set priorities. Pondering about things that are not
essential part of one's work is really unhealthy when time is short
anyway. However, I'll try to think of first zipping up all conflict files
first next time I see such a strange conflict marker.
Jan Hendrik
Freedom quote:
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
-- Thomas Jefferson
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Received on Tue May 11 17:03:39 2004