Is it strictly necessary to do "svnadmin hotcopy" before "svnadmin
dump"? Or is this a performance optimization?
I looked at the svn book, but it doesn't seem to indicate whether it is
safe to do "svnadmin dump" on a live repository. Maybe I just missed
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark []
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 11:39 AM
To: 'Brian Mathis'; 'Eric Carlson'
Subject: RE: Backing up a live repos
I wrote a simple batch file that does roughly the same thing, except
that it dumps the repository before compressing it. It also does this
for all the repositories in the current directory (run it in you
SVNParentPath). It's not cool because it's not in python or perl, and
unfortunately it'll run on all flavors of windows >= windows 2000
without installing any ActiveState software, and I'm sure it's full of
problems, and it's inadequate, dangerous, and will poison your children,
but here it is for the interested (replace winrar with your compression
tool of choice):
@echo off
for /d %%f in (*.*) do if exist "%%f\format" (
echo Backing up %%f...
echo copying database...
svnadmin hotcopy "%%f" "Backup_%%f"
echo dumping repository...
svnadmin dump --quiet "%%f" > "%%f.dump"
rd /s /q "Backup_%%f"
echo done.
echo Compressing...
winrar m -ibck -m5 -rr5p Subversion_Backup.rar *.dump
echo Done.
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Mathis []
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: Backing up a live repos
There's an "official" script that does this.
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Received on Tue May 11 01:17:49 2004