Subversion Users
- " is garbled" error message
- "out of date" error
- "svn info INVALID_URL": exit code zero?
- "svn tree"
- 'good practices' in php programming with subversion
- 'update' works, but 'status' and 'diff' don't
- * PROPFIND request failed
- .svn on the web? Risk
- .svn/entries getting locked on OSX somehow.
- 1.3.0 - client waiting for post.commit
- 3rd-party merging tools? Recommendations?
- <?>Bdb to FSFS - Any gotchas to watch out for<?>
- ?SVN Magazine Article?
- [ANN] svnmock 0.3 released
- [BUG] bug in svn rename
- [check out|read] control access feature
- [cvsview bug?] Please Confirm.
- [DESIGN] Aliases?
- [DESIGN] Aliases? [OT]
- [RFE] add path to subject lines
- [SUCCESS] "checksum does not match" and "Could not read status line"
- [URGENT] DB_RECOVER doesnt't recover
- A question about per-directory access
- Access Control
- adding a set of files at once
- adding all unversioned files (except ignored ones)
- Adding binary version to a tag
- Additional parameters to post-commit hook or what hook should I be using?
- allow only selected files through apache/dav
- Announce: PySVN 1.4.1
- Another keyword-related conflict bug in need of confirmation
- Ant question
- Apache & mod_dav
- Apache 2.2 + SVN 1.3
- Apache config using mod_authz_svn for non-svn location (Trac)
- Apache integration
- Approach to a Website Staging/Production Environment
- authentication via LDAP
- Authentification problem
- Author keyword expansion is incorrect
- Authorization failed
- Authorization with svn+ssh failed
- AuthzSVNAccessFile without AuthUserFile?
- automatic change log generation
- Automatic Property Setting
- autoprops (Help needed)
- Available svn log xml attributes
- Avoid .svn
- AW: Big problem with my SVN-repository
- AW: CVS v. SVN
- AW: Possible to make files revisionless ?
- AW: post-commit.bat 'svn update' issue on Windows
- AW: replacement to cvs release?
- AW: Subclipse denies to safe solved conflicts
- AW: Temporarily locking a subversion repository
- Beginnings
- Best practices for getting non-tech folks to use subversion?
- Best Practices: local mods to a open source project
- Big problem with my SVN-repository
- Binary diffs: real-world differencing?
- Binary Files comparison
- blah blah blah
- branches and subdirectories
- Branching Questions
- Broken repository (bogus date)
- Broken repository. svnadmin verify and dump report a checksum mismatch.
- Bug in subversion?
- Bug or WAD in global-ignores?
- Bug report: Deleting a file and keeping the lock to it
- C++: CruiseControl, Condor, Bonsai, Tinderbox, Kepler?
- Can a merge follow changes in paths in trunk/branch?
- Can I load balance Apache/SVN?
- Can I run mod_dav_svn 1.3.0 compiled against apache 2.0.54 against apache 2.0.55?
- Can not access SVN on a Linux server from Windows XP?
- Can't move directory that uses externals unless I --force?
- Cannot access repository remotely (sort of)
- Cannot open ra_local session?
- CentOS Install
- Chaining externals for tag management
- Change Property in Pre-Commit-Hook
- changed files in subject
- changed files in subject / example post-commit ANSWERED
- Checking out a specific revision
- Checkout files from a deleted/moved directory: problem
- Clobbering source file through merge -- can I recover?
- COM bindings for subversion
- Commit error (Could not MERGE, 409 Conflict)
- Commit failed (details follow): Your file or directory '...' is probably out-of-date ...
- Commit fails: 301 Moved permanently
- commiting a large number of files
- Committing a directory property alone is impossible?
- Compatible Win32 binaries for apache 2.0.X and mod_dav_svn Subversion 1.3.0
- configuring authentication on apache 2
- Confusion about "special" revisions and svn log
- controlling access to repositories based on svn client version nu mber
- Converting output of 'svnlook tree' to canonical format
- copying back&forth a small SVN repository
- Could not open the requested SVN filesystem
- Created folder called "D:"
- Creating a project
- CVS v. SVN
- Date of most recently commited change
- DB_VERSION_MISMATCH error on Mac OS X, fink svn-ssl 1.2.3, semi-resolved
- DB_VERSION_MISMATCH error on Mac OS X, fink svn-ssl 1.2.3-12 1.2.3-13
- Deleting a folder within a project in the Repo
- Derived product licensing question
- Did you solve the 'Invalid diff stream: insn 0 cannot be decoded' problem?
- Different ways to create tags -- is this OK?
- directory cleanup branch?
- Doc clarification
- Documentation for python bindings
- documentation suggestions
- does anyone have experience with CMMMI and subversion
- Doxygen/LXR output best practices? Put in src repo?
- Edit/add previously committed message log
- Error in + Apache 2.0.52 + Win32
- error message for start-commit on windows
- Error: Could not parse response status
- Failure to commit.
- failure when trying to set svn:executable property
- File corruption
- file permission
- File-specific commit comments
- flag to disable hook scripts
- front ends
- FSFS - Malformed representation header
- Fwd: 3rd-party merging tools? Recommendations?
- Fwd: LDAP credentials caching
- Fwd: naming conventions... "tag" versus "release"
- FYI: Speed Test BDB to FSFS
- Gathering general information
- getting header/tags from within emacs?
- Getting log messages between two copies? Also, displaying copy structure?
- global ignores
- Good practice to store binary builds in the src repo?
- Help on svn+ssh
- help with svndumpfilter please
- History of a line?
- Hook Execution with SVNServe under Win2k3
- Hooks not getting called
- - Error: 'IndexError: list index out of range'
- how do you clear the TSVN URL cache?
- How to "stage" input from a broad community?
- How to build Java bindings
- How to give read access for other group
- how to install subversion with cygwin on a web server
- how to install sunversion through cygwin on a remote server.
- How to resolve Squawk status?
- How to suppress Index: rows in svn diff
- http commit hang after 10 minutes
- opinions?
- I, too, miss tags.
- I, too, miss tags.)
- Indexing/Searching of meta data in custom properties?
- Inserting an older Version into an existing Subversion History
- Installation problem (error loading library)
- Installing Subversion 1.3.0 from tarball
- integrated access control
- intermittent MKCOL failure - error 405
- Internal Error: Failed to Load Module for FS type
- Invalid diff stream: insn 25 cannot be decoded
- Is it possible to copy/preserve file permissions?
- is it possible to do ,such?
- Is there a way to replicate from one repository to another?
- Issue setting up authz permissions
- Keywords in source files
- Kosmos 0.2.0RC1: open source project monitoring portlets, released
- LDAP credentials caching
- cannot open shared object file
- Linking viewcvs from mod_dav_svn pages
- Linux GUI
- linux SVN server with w2k clients and development servers
- Load Balancing Question
- Logs of property changes
- looking for listener scripts
- Lost my local file: please help
- mail notification recipe
- Making arguments for SVN
- Merge command failed with "missing or not locked"
- merge, new directories and files
- merging
- Merging add of directory within deleted directory fails
- merging repos with svnadmin load, "rev numbers will be off"?
- Microsoft ISA Proxy
- Minor typo in dialog caption
- mirror repository in remote location
- Missing --dry-run?
- Mod Binaries for Apache 2.2
- mod_dav_svn as root
- Multiply Invitation
- naming conventions... "tag" versus "release"
- Need assistance with repairing repository corruption caused by known bug
- Need help with ViewVC (aka ViewCVS)
- Negotiate Authentication Broken with Subversion 1.3.0
- Newbie
- Newbie General Startup Questions
- Newbie question
- Newbie question - Commit same file to two repositories?
- NFS mount option for FSFS on Netapps(NAS)
- No repository found when using ssh tunnel as root
- Non UTF-8 filename problem
- noob question about tunneling / authentication
- Not a noob - svn: Your file or directory 'Business Objects\Tables\CCompany.cs' is probably out-of-date
- Not ready for prime time
- NTLM authentication
- Off-topic: Keep open-source developer's email list private?
- OS permission oddity when doing svn propset, commit, merge
- OT: SVNManager on Windows
- Other svn uses - Binary files
- Out of Date Error
- Output of diff is not sorted?
- past questions
- peg revision added to checkout path
- Peg revisions in externals?
- permanently delete files / directories
- Please date the articles?
- Portable USB HD storing depot & DB
- Possibility of limiting the number of revisions retained
- Possible bug: svn log hiding information about changes?
- Possible to make files revisionless ?
- Post commit hook on linux.
- Post hook weirdness?
- post-commit.bat 'svn update' issue on Windows
- pre-commit hook
- pre-commit hook problem - username handling from SVN service on repository
- on Win32
- prepare for onslaught
- problem splitting a repository
- Problem with ._ files on Mac OS X and SVN Autoversioning on
- Problem with changing filenames
- Problem with OS X 1.3 binary package.
- Problem with subversion on Linux, with windows domain authentication.
- Problem with SVN & Windows
- Problem with SVN & Windows )
- Problem with svn move command on Windows
- Problem with UTF-8 filenames
- Problems using svn update and cleanup under Cygwin:
- problems with authentication
- Problems with merge --ignore-ancestry
- problems with spaces in svn acl file?
- Python 2.4 - Subversion 1.3, Windows
- Python bindings: fs_paths_changed
- Q: checkout subdirectory but maintain parent directory structure
- RapidSVN 0.9.1 released
- read-only flag for non-checked out files
- Read-write access bug?
- readonly repo and echo for custom message
- Recursive Setting of Id Keyword dies prematurely
- Regarding OS supported
- Regular updates of svn repository from CVS
- Relocate issue
- remote rename fails : "Cannot verify lock on path"
- remove all .svn data from a working copy?
- Remove All From Repository Start Fresh
- remove dead transactions
- removing files from repository
- replacement to cvs release?
- Replacing a directory in WC/Repos
- REPORT request failed on '/svn/rf/!svn/vcc/default'
- repository layout admin help
- Repository List by SVNParentPath
- repository on client is newer than on server as a result of server hd failure
- Repository reset back to 0
- Repository UUID
- Resend: .svn/entries getting locked on OSX ... by eclipspe not svn.
- Resend: .svn/entries getting locked on OSX somehow.
- Review & Test-Handling
- Revision keywords and arithmetics
- RoboHelp deletes empty .svn-subsubdirs!
- RSS Feed
- Ruby subversion bindings
- Running both svnserve and apache
- scaling strategies for svnserve
- Searching Projects and Tags
- Searching within files
- Segmentation fault with subversion
- Separate commit message for each directory
- Several Questions
- shared local working copy unix
- Sharing one project with several other projects
- Should I worry?
- Simple Question, go back revision
- Slow access with httpd
- Solaris 9 link failure
- Solution to File corruption
- solved: post commit script doesn't execute
- Somebody put me out of my misery!
- Sorry for posting to this mailing list
- SSL negotiation failed; unknown protocol
- StarTeam to subversion conversion
- startup guidance
- Status of Subversion on the Mac? - SCPlugin
- STDOUT not available for hooks ?
- Structure yet again
- Subclipse denies to safe solved conflicts
- Subclipse drives me crazy
- Subcommander 0.15.0 released.
- subset tag
- subversion & patch management utilities
- Subversion 1.3 on CentOS python bindings
- subversion acls
- Subversion and CruiseControl.NET
- Subversion and Insurrection - Help Please
- Subversion and Remote User
- subversion and the CMMI CM process Area
- Subversion and Very,Very Large Repositories
- Subversion clients wait for post-commit to finish
- Subversion download link for Windows broken
- Subversion fails to do a checkout.
- Subversion Links Page
- Subversion Loadbalancing
- subversion merge help
- Subversion merge-conflict file naming: ".working"?
- Subversion multihoming
- Subversion Newbie thoughts: Database Backend, SQL, and the style?
- Subversion on Solaris, problems with special characters
- Subversion vendor branch revisited...
- Subversion want to remove kernel image
- subversion, linux red hat 9
- subversion, linux red hat 9 - update
- suggestions on layout
- SV: REPORT request failed on '/svn/rf/!svn/vcc/default'
- svn -- checking out a specific file
- svn 1.3 <-> httpd 2.2 solution
- Svn 1.3 command line with authentication problem
- svn 1.3.0 <-> apache httpd 2.2.0
- svn auto props questions
- SVN Client for Windows ME
- SVN commandline password Vs key
- svn commit failed
- svn commit failed: permission denied
- svn delete, then get older revision
- svn diff special formatting
- svn dumps core on commit of move operation with lots of files
- svn log 'status'
- SVN on an alternate port
- svn relocate/move (repo not wc)
- svn server changed its address
- svn status * stops when it finds a folder that isn't a WC
- svn update skips (client on windows machine, repository on unix)
- svn/spnego
- svn: SSL is not supported
- svn:keywords?
- svnadmin load problems
- svndumpfilter --drop-empty-revs errors
- svnserve hanging
- svnserve via xinetd : file 'format' permission denied
- svnshell: ImportError: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: svn_txdelta_window_dup
- svnversion windows .bat file for C#
- svnX question
- svnX question SOLVED
- switch --relocate with different repos ids
- Symlinks on Win32...
- Syntax error parsing revision - svn+ssh URL , root directory option
- tag = symbolic reference to a revision, was: I, too, miss tags.
- Tagging an existing tag?
- Tagging Policy Full & Patch Release
- Tagging Sources " à la VSS"
- Tagging Sources "à la VSS"
- tagging subset
- Tags (no I'm not complaining)
- Temporarily locking a subversion repository
- The current limitations of Tags (was: [DESIGN] Aliases?)
- this is a test
- Timeframe for 1.4")
- Tool for browsing revisions wanted
- Tracking svn:externals?
- Trouble with locks and permissions
- Troubles updating repository to a stable state
- Tuning/Monitoring Subversion Performances
- UNABLE TO OPEN ra_local Session
- Unhelpful error message when date is wrong
- unix/windows symlink issue
- Unrecognized URL scheme '' with shared project using svn:external
- Updates and tags
- Use of wildcards or regular expressiong (RegEx) in svnaccess file
- Using subclipse (Subversion pugin for Ecipse IDE)...
- Versioning my /etc and other directories
- web based administration tool?
- Web site management and staging using Subversion
- WebDAV with Subversion
- WebSVN error
- Weird error
- What am I doing wrong?
- Where to get info on building Java bindings
- Why does a merge require one to supply revs at cmdline?
- Win32 bindings for Ruby
- Win32 ruby bindings
- Windows prepackaged binaries
- Windows project permissions
- Windows XP Post Commit
- Windows XP which download
- Working across the continents
- zlib did not import into Visual Studio 2005
[Subversion] ·
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