Hi again Rory,
> Also, when the SVNWorking instance on the Repository Machine was using the
> file:// protocol, it worked just fine then as well.
That is the clue that svnserve is your problem.
> I've already verified that the low privilege account can execute
> both the cmd (batch) file and the mailer script. I did this by logging
> on as the account and manually firing off the batch file.
Hmmm, now that's odd.
I've never tried running svnserve not as admin,
so as a test created 3 windows users:
- svnadmin (add to Administrator group)
- svnstandard (add to Power user group)
- svnuser (already in User group)
Then verified that for "C:\Program Files\Subversion" directory and contents:
- Administrator group had full control
- Power User group had everything but full control
- User group had read and execute rights
Then created 3 directories for each user
- c:\svnroot\svnadmin (grant full control to svnadmin)
- c:\svnroot\svnstandard (grant full control to svnstandard)
- c:\svnroot\svnuser (grant full control to svnuser)
Then logged out as admin and for each of these 3 users:
- Logged in as <user>
- start -> run -> cmd -> svnserve -d -r c:\svnroot\<user>\repos
- start -> run -> cmd
- mkdir c:\svnroot\<user>\repos
- mkdir c:\svnroot\<user>\test
- cd c:\svnroot\<user>\repos
- svnadmin create fsfs-test --fs-type fsfs
- svnadmin create bdb-test --fs-type bdb
- edit c:\svnroot\<user>\repos\conf\svnserve.conf so anon-access=write
- create c:\svnroot\<user>\repos\hooks\post-commit.bat with contents:
echo "post-commit fired" > c:\svnroot\<user>\test\post-commit-fired.txt
- create test.txt file in c:\svnroot\<user>\test
- import test.txt to svn://localhost/bdb-test and svn://localhost/fsfs-test,
checking that the post commit hook created post-commit-fired.txt on
each occasion.
This worked exactly as expected for all 3 users. So Subversion,
and inparticular svnserve are performing as I would expect them to.
Please try the above recipe if you can't pinpoint the problem.
If that works then you can be sure it's some permission problem
with either your current svn user, or the directories it is acting upon.
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Received on Wed Feb 15 06:45:06 2006