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Structure yet again

From: Marcus Monaghan <marcus.monaghan_at_temberwudgie.co.uk>
Date: 2006-02-23 23:41:46 CET


I am new to subversion and fortunately grasp (just about) the concepts
behind trunks, branches and tags. I am in the process of designing the
directory structure for our subversion implementation. I would like to
run it by you guys and gals to see if you can spot any issues or
recommend any other ways of doing this.

The company I work for develop in Delphi, C#, Java and Progress.
Progress is the prominent development language at the moment and uses an
in house set of procedures for version control, so I'm not concerned
about that. However, I would like to setup a structure for the other
areas and have come up with the following;

       repos/ --->




       repos/ --->


       repos/ --->


There would be three repositories, one for each language.

As you can see I have gone for the familiar concept of trunk, braches
and tags, but renamed to fit in with in house terminology. The
concerns/questions I have are:

1. Does having three separate repositories make sense?
2. The delphi structure has a common directory. Does this make sense? If
not how else can I structure it to have a common directory?
3. I'm happy with the CSharp.
4. The java structure is slightly different but this is roughly how they
work at the moment. Would I/we come across any issues relating to the
java structure?


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Received on Thu Feb 23 23:42:40 2006

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