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RE: Created folder called "D:"

From: Young, Jason \(GE Infrastructure\) <Jason.Young_at_ge.com>
Date: 2006-02-06 15:18:20 CET

Where you able to put a subdirectory under "D:"? I would appreciate it
if you could give me a shot, but I'm going to try it myself, but I have
to get some stuff set up.
Under windows I had no problem creating it and removing it, but I could
not create it with a subfolder. Somehow RapidSVN on Windows let him
create an invalid path.


From: Andy Levy [mailto:andy.levy@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 9:23 PM
To: Young, Jason (GE Infrastructure)
Cc: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Created folder called "D:"

On 2/3/06, Young, Jason (GE Infrastructure) <Jason.Young@ge.com> wrote:

        We had a guy use RapidSVN (on Windows), and SOMEHOW, he was able
get the files into the repository like the picture below. I tried
deleting them in Tortoise and the command line, and both bombed. I
ended up using svndumpfilter to remove it. Anyone ever see this happen?
I was unable to even recreate that structure in a different repository.
        We are back up and running, but I didn't know if this was a bug
that we should report, or just not mention again.

I just tested w/ TSVN and it allowed me to remotely create a directory
in my repository with a name of d: (through Repo-browser).
However, I couldn't update my local (Windows) working copy, because : is
an illegal character in Windows file/directory names. Similarly, I
couldn't creat a D: directory in the WC. I was able to create a d:
directory on my Linux box (which hosts the repository), and was able to
update my WC on my Linux box, creating the directory.
So, my guess is that this is how your developer created the directory,
if he's on Windows.
Bug? Not sure. You can do other things in SVN that Windows doesn't
handle (symlinks come to mind); maybe a pre-commit hook is needed to
check for the existence of illegal characters in file/directory names?
If you had a non-Windows system available to you, you could have checked
out a WC to that, removed the directory w/ svn rm D:, committed and been
in the clear.

Received on Mon Feb 6 15:25:12 2006

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