On Feb 27, 2006, at 01:46, Adam Mercer wrote:
> I'm trying to set the svn:executable property in one of my
> repositories yet I get the following error when trying to do this
> [ram@zippy waveburst]$ svn propset svn:executable framelist.pl
> svn: Explicit target required ('framelist.pl' interpreted as prop
> value)
> [ram@zippy waveburst]$
> Any idea why this is happening as I could set the executable property
> on all the other scripts in this repository without this error.
$ svn help propset
propset (pset, ps): Set the value of a property on files, dirs, or
usage: 1. propset PROPNAME PROPVAL PATH...
2. propset PROPNAME --revprop -r REV PROPVAL [TARGET]
You're missing a parameter: the PROPVAL part of the 1st line of the
usage example. Subversion interpreted it differently though, as the
error message said: it interpreted "framelist.pl" as the value you
wanted assigned to the svn:executable property, but then didn't know
on which file to set it. You probably meant:
svn propset svn:executable ON framelist.pl
...where "ON" can actually be any value at all, even,
counterintuitively, for example "OFF". To turn it off again, you
would need to use:
svn propdel svn:executable framelist.pl
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Received on Mon Feb 27 02:18:54 2006