On 2/16/06, Stephen A. Cochran Lists <stephen.a.cochran.lists@cahir.net> wrote:
> I'm fairly new to subversion, so I want to get my head around this
> before setting everythign up.
> We have a number of apps based on open source projects, often with
> local modifications. I want to use subversion to manage the local
> changes, and also be easily updated with new releases from the public
> projects.
> The basic setup is simple enough: /project/trunk as the location for
> the public releases, and then /project/branch for the local
> modifications.
> My question comes in integrating new releases from the open source
> projects. Assuming I have
> v1.0 in /project/trunk
> local mods in /project/branch
> and I want to update the trunk to v1.01 that was just released,
> what's the best way to go about this? Is svk the answer with it's
> mirroring features?
The Book has the answer. Vendor Branches.
http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch07s05.html describes exactly your
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Received on Thu Feb 16 20:26:06 2006