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"svn tree"

From: Phil Endecott <spam_from_subversion_users_at_chezphil.org>
Date: 2006-02-13 20:00:18 CET
('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Dear All,

I was just thinking about the usefulness of an "svn tree" command with output formatted like "tree" does:

|-- 4Suite
| `-- 4ss.conf
|-- DIR_COLORS.xterm
|-- Muttrc
|-- Muttrc.local
|-- X11
| |-- X -> ../../usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg
| |-- X.rpmsave -> ../../usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg
| |-- Xmodmap
| |-- Xresources
| |-- applnk

"svn ls -R" is not bad, but it doesn't have the ASCII-art lines.

I wondered about "svn ls -R --xml | something", but it looks as if the XML doesn't actually have the recursive structure! It is just a flat list. So "something" would be more complex.

The other problem with my setup is that "svn ls -R" is slow. I think that this is because it does lots of small http requests, and my mod_auth_pam authentication takes a noticeable time for each one. Or something like that.

I just thought I'd mention it here in case anyone has found a good way to do this. Or maybe someone is looking for a little project to work on?


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Received on Mon Feb 13 18:29:58 2006

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