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Re: Can not access SVN on a Linux server from Windows XP?

From: Tawfik, Sameh E <SamehTawfik_at_fairisaac.com>
Date: 2006-02-08 23:58:16 CET

Here are the steps to accomplish this task:

1. From your home folder, run the following command:
            ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024 -N '' <-- two apostrophe's there
This will create two files as follow:
* ~/.ssh/id_dsa
* ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub
2. Run the following commands:
* cd ~/.ssh

* cat id_dsa.pub >> authorized_keys

* ln -s authorized_keys authorized_keys2
The above step is needed because depending on the system, it may require
the authorized_keys or authorized_keys2 file.
3. When done from the above steps, logout from the Linux server. This is
an important step, without it the login will not be updated.


Copy the private key "id_dsa" that was generated in../.ssh folder, to a
local folder on Windows XP.

Run puttygen.exe to convert the "id_dsa" file to a putty format. This is
because the private key file format is not specified by some standard
body. To do this open "puttygen" and open the "conversions" menu and
chose "Import Key" file. Then browse to the "id_dsa" file, and select
"SSH-2 DSA" field. Finally click "Save private key" and save the file as
"id_dsa.PPK" somewhere on disk.
(PuTTYgen is an RSA and DSA key generation utility)


From a DOS box, run the following command:
        ssh user_name@server_name

The above command will create .ssh/ local folder under \Documents and
Settings\username folder

Copy both "id_dsa" and "id_dsa.PPK" files from the local folder as
specified above to the \Documents and Settings\username\.ssh folder.

After doing the above when you run:

        ssh user_name@server_name

You should be logged-in to the specified server without being prompted
with the password.


From a DOS box cd to Subversion work space folder, and run: svn up
The above command should update your local Windows XP without prompting
you with the password dialog.


-----Original Message-----
Tawfik, Sameh E <SamehTawfik <at> fairisaac.com> writes:


Could anyone let me know how to resolve this issue?

>From Windows XP, I'm able to checkout and update all the files and
folders using SmartSVN to connect to a Linux server where SVN repository
is located.

But, when I try to run any svn command from Windows XP DOS box from the
checked out folders by SmartSVN, I get the following error:
C:\SVN_DB \Text_documents>svn update Test_Machines.txt

            svn: Can't create tunnel: The system cannot find the file

I went to http://subversion.tigris.org/ and checked both the FAQ and the
mailing lists, and I did find some references to this issue, but I did
not find anything specific to resolve this problem!

I installed SmartSVN version 1.1 on WindowsXP, and configured it as
SVN-Location: svn+ssh://server1/apps/svn1/testdb
Repository path:/apps/svn1/testdb
I specified my user name and password, and selected to store the
password on disk.

On Windows XP I installed svn, version 1.2.1 (r15230) , and on the Linux
server we have svn, version 1.2.1 (r15230)



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Received on Thu Feb 9 00:03:53 2006

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