Re: [DESIGN] Aliases? (Was: RE: Re: I, too, miss tags.)
From: Ryan Schmidt <>
Date: 2006-02-24 18:38:59 CET
On Feb 24, 2006, at 18:11, wrote:
> Since we know already that symbolic aliases are useful
I for one just don't understand yet what functionality is being gained.
Given a project named $P and a repository whose root is $R, and a
Subversion currently has:
To create a new tag:
svn cp $R/$P/{trunk,tags/$T} -m "Creating tag $T"
To replace an existing tag:
svn rm $R/$P/tags/$T -m "Removing tag $T"
To check out the tag:
svn co $R/$P/tags/$T
To get a log of the tag:
svn log $R/$P/tags/$T
What's being proposed seems to be:
To create a new tag:
svn alias [-r HEAD] $T $R/$P/trunk
To replace an existing tag:
svn alias -force [-r HEAD] $T $R/$P/trunk
To check out the tag:
svn co -r $T $R/$P/trunk
To get a log of the tag:
svn log -r $T:0 $R/$P/trunk
Is it just this alternate syntax that's desired, or is there some
The idea of CVS-like tags, or revision aliases, or revision labels,
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