I signed up to the wrong list, and noted that several bits of dialog found their way here earlier. Anyways, has anybody had any problems getting svn 1.3 working with apache httpd 2.2? Specifically, the command
svn co
fails. The httpd error_log indicates that the fsfs modules could not be found, though everything for both apps are installed in their default locations. The same error message in error_log is written when a browser attempts to access /svn_parent/repos_1.
svn co file:///path/to/svn_parent/repos_1/trunk/cgi-bin/
returns an error stating the URL is not a directory, and when the URL is shortened to the cgi-bin directory it checks out every file in every directory and subdirectory under cgi-bin.
According to the documentation, neither of these scenarios should occur: the first should work and the second should fail (svn is a client-side app and supposedly takes only network URLs).
Any thoughts?
Received on Thu Feb 16 23:20:44 2006