Have you thought about using a continuous integration server for keeping the central working copy up to date? Something like cruisecontrol http://cruisecontrol.sourceforge.net/ might meet your needs there. Basically it polls the repository for changes and then runs a script when something has been updated. The script might be as simple as checking out the changes and putting them on the central server. Since it isn't directly linked to the source control system you don't have to worry about the post-commit hook taking a long time and slowing people down - but you still have a seperate stand-alone central working copy that people can view.
I believe there are other continuous integration products available too if you don't like cruisecontrol.
----- Original Message ----
From: Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2006Q1@ryandesign.com>
To: Renaud Waldura <renaud+subversion@waldura.com>
Cc: users@subversion.tigris.org
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 12:22:41
Subject: Re: flag to disable hook scripts
But we also needed one central working copy of each project that was
always up to date, for the bosses and other non-technical people to
look at to see how the projects are coming along, and also for the
clients to look at. For this reason we put in the post-commit hook to
update these working copies. Some of the web sites are large, though,
comprising thousands of files, and updating such a working copy
causes much disk cache thrashing on the server as it has to read
entries in each .svn directory. This makes the process slow, often
taking several minutes to complete, during which time the developer
is just waiting for his Subversion client to give control back to him
so that he can do his next task. I've found myself forgetting what I
wanted to do next while waiting for the hook to complete. In our
setup this isn't only a problem for the big sites, because if someone
commits a change for the big site, the .svn entries for the small
sites have fallen out of the disk cache too, so updating them is slow
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Received on Sat Feb 4 17:54:30 2006