-----Original Message-----
From: Miha Vitorovic [mailto:mvitorovic@nil.si]
Sent: maandag 6 februari 2006 9:41
To: Frederic Conrotte [FRSGlobal]
Cc: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Tagging Sources " à la VSS"
"Frederic Conrotte [FRSGlobal]" <frederic.conrotte@frsglobal.com> wrote on
06.02.2006 09:32:41:
>> Hi,
>> I'm still trying to push my company to switch from VSS (Very Sucking
>> Software (TM) ) to SVN I've been looking in ths SVN doc but didn't
>> found saying if this functionnality is available or not.
>> Is there a way to have SVN adding a tag on top of each non-binary
>> source file ?
>> Something like this :
>> //
>> // Last change made by : $Author: MSmith $
>> // Date/Time last modification : $Modtime: 2/08/05 16:43 $
>> // Version number : $Revision: 4 $
>> //
>Yeah, it's called tagging sources à la svn:keywords ;-)
Sorry, I was looking for "tag" in the doc:
But indeed here is the related doc:
Thanks for your help !
Received on Mon Feb 6 09:52:53 2006