Subversion Users
- "multi-part" merge with conflicts does not "bail out with an error message"
- "Not under version control" error
- 32bit version of svn client on a 64bit suse10 : /usr/lib64/ could not read symbols: File in wrong format
- 64-bit server binaries for Windows?
- [FEATURE REQUEST] Print current repository revision when performing update
- [problem]svn client always access root folder.
- A little question about SVN
- a simple svn merge requires 9GB of VM.
- A solution for starting background jobs on Windows from post-commit hooks
- About mod_dav_svn and module problems
- About SVN bindings ------ can not use svn_client_diff_summarize in Perl
- Access rights in SVN
- Accessing subversion repository using svn+ssh protocol remotely
- Adding selinux file properties as a subversion property?
- after checked out an old revision...
- Announcing: a pre-commit hook for regression checks
- Antwort: Migrating from Dimensions to Subversion
- Antwort: Permission to specific directory in repository for one group of users
- Antwort: Windows authentication
- apache 2.6.6 / subversion 1.5 / Digest authentication: Work for anyone?
- Apache installation
- Apache named virtual hosts and mod_dav_svn
- Applying auto-props to existing files
- automating merging
- Behaviour of global ignores
- blame & getting a list of revisions that changed a lin
- blame & getting a list of revisions that changed a line
- Block a global SVN update and instead require specific filenames for update
- Branch Merging Question
- Bug? Can not access svn://server:port-number
- Bug? Comitting works, checking out and updating not
- BUG? Merging from foreign repository corrupts UUID
- Bug? svn co / svn update problem or large repository
- Caching with TortoiseSVN
- calling dosunix at a newline mismatch
- can "svn help merge" also list the possible outcomes?
- can "svn ls" show tracked .dotfiles?
- Can I disable directory listing using mod_dav_svn?
- Changin the URL
- checkout omitting some subtrees
- cherrypicking not working merging
- ClearCase to SVN conversion
- Commit failures on large commits
- commit file
- to multi projects on one repo
- common authentication-data-basis for svnserve and mod_dav_svn
- Compatibility of Subversion 1.3 with Subversion 1.5 Repository
- Correction proposals for typing error in german help file
- Create branch with a particular date??
- custom repo-name using svnserve
- CvsTagDiff or similar for Subversion?
- Date, HeadURL tag formatting
- Defect Tracking Tools that work best with Subversion
- Does "svn status -q" do anything other than grep -v '^?'
- double login in svn
- Easiest/Quickest way to created a Repo from Dir and Make working copy?
- Edit author pre-revprop-change
- eeepc xandros availability
- email notifications in color/html?
- Empty log / error on TortoiseSVN
- Erro while importing ::Final line in revision file longer than 64 characters
- Error * PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/my project
- Error in make check-swig-py on Mac : Symbol not found: _environ
- error using SVN + TSVN
- Error when creating tags from working copy
- Error while importing project in subversion 1.5
- externals for entire repo.
- Failed to load the AuthzSVNAccessFile - Section header expected
- Failing to --reintegrate branch
- File Locking Question...
- Folder structure change - how to minimize impact on WC?
- Fwd: merging a partial branch
- getting code from outsourced repositories
- Has the SVNLook Revision Parameter Behavior Changed?
- Hello, does any body knows when is svn 1.5.5 planned to be released ? Thanks.
- Hiding Folders from users
- hooks
- How do I determine a repository version
- How manage UTF-8 and ISO-8859
- how to display svn's compilation settings?
- How to fix "Decompression of svndiff data failed" ?
- How to get rid of svn: (Valif UTF-8 data (hex:) followed by invalid UTF-8 sequence (hex: c0 a4 01)
- How to tell if svn is in use
- How to use propdel to remove mergeinfo for single file
- implementing hook scripts for the first time
- Information required
- Installing SVN Server - minimum requirement
- Is a SVN 1.5.4 Win32 Installer Planned?
- Is a two step commit possible?
- is it possible to send an email out after a new tag is created?
- Is it possible to set svn:keywords using pre-commit hook script?
- Is it possible to test code before allowing it to be checked in?
- Is it possile to include an int into a text file being committed?
- Is there an svn client for Quick Test Pro?
- Is there some way to reset/disable mergeinfo
- Issue while importing files or projects
- issuse about svn add linux device file
- JavaHL/svnClientAdapter issue and potential fix
- Keeping stuff out of my repository?
- Kevin Poleunis is out of the office.
- Link Branches
- Linking to specific revisions of a document for conventional web browsers
- Lock/Unlock mails not sent by on windows
- Made a one-liner, and now blame says a whole code-block was modified
- make check-swig-py errors
- malformed or the scheme or host or path is missing
- Memory leak in svn propget -R ?
- merge policy
- Merge tracking question
- Mergeinfo and Upgrades of Pre-existing Repositories
- Mergeinfo problems...
- mergeinfo property and renamed files
- mergeinfo weirdness
- merging a partial branch
- Merging two different versions of a file does not mark correctly the differences between the files
- Migrating from Dimensions to Subversion
- Missing revision file in server directory
- Mod_auth_kerb problem
- mod_auth_sspi for Linux based server
- mod_svn and mime types
- More Merge Bad Behavior
- More Merge Bad Behavior (with experimental results)
- Multi-Project Branching Problems
- Multipass merge creates conflict markers that TortoiseSVN can't parse
- Multiple Line Log Messages
- Need Help with Building and Running a Simple App Based on SVN Client
- Need help with my svn account on my webhost server
- Nested checkouts?
- no --autocreate for intermediate folders planned?
- Non US-ASCII in user name and .svn/log - svn: Malformed XML: not well-formed
- Not authorized to open root of edit operation
- Odd error when viewing logs
- One commit for changes across multiple branches
- OS X PPC Authentication failure
- OSX Client - what's best?
- Out of memory on merge respecting ancestry
- Perl bindings and credential cache issue on Win32
- Permission to specific directory in repository for one group of users
- Pinning a working copy to a revision
- Problem committing to a write-thru proxy
- Problem merging after upgrade to 1.5
- Problem replacing directories
- Problem with deleting locked file using http: scheme
- Problem with filename containing spaces
- Problem with merging a branch back to trunk
- Problematic post-commit-hook / svnlook diff size
- Problems with adds since upgrading to 1.5
- Problems with python 2.5 bindings on Windows
- Problems with the size of file`s path
- PROPFIND 200 Error
- question about seeing file mods in other branches
- Recommended merge tool
- Regarding "Some revisions have been merged under it that have not been merged"
- Rename multiple files in repository
- Replacement for svnmerge avail -l?
- Report of revisions by user?
- Repository Issue - Locking error on deleted files
- Repository logs to SYSLOG-NG server
- Repository moved permanently, please relocate
- repository version query
- REPOST: Using Apache Limit directive with SVN
- Resolve Conflicts with df error
- Resolving symlinks on linux-system
- Restricting access to a subdirectory in the tunk and keep it in tags (mod_authz_svn)
- Returning Warnings from Subversion Hooks
- reverse blame to find deleted lines?
- Revision Graph
- RHEL5 tools package dependancy
- SASL NTLM Authentication
- scan repository for viruses
- Securing SVN directories
- Selectively removing mergeinfo from svn dump with SvnDump python library
- setting the EOL property throughout a repo?
- Setting up SVN server
- Setup SVN on Windows XP
- shared network drive
- Sharing of sub-projects and tagging
- singl file checkout
- Some information on implementing write-through proxying with svnsync
- Some usage problem about svn
- Strange behaviour with 'svn' in the host name
- Strange mergeinfo lack
- Subversion 1.5 for Fedora 8 ??
- Subversion Client on Solaris 8
- Subversion for Fedora 6
- Subversion Master Slave sync
- SubVersion merge modifies mergeinfo property of unrelated files
- Subversion proxy configuration
- subversion-1.5.2 - APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE undefined
- svn & junctions (windows)
- SVN & Tortoise tutorials
- svn 1.5.2 - does not want to import files of type .so or .a
- svn 1.5.4 import jdk6
- svn 1.5.4 server: some people cannot commit - auth error.
- SVN and Cruise Control
- SVN Blame is not telling the truth with mergeinfo
- svn bug report
- Svn cleanup error
- SVN Client Tools that make use of svn:mergeinfo?
- svn copy WC->URL not consistent build
- svn copy with wrong error message
- svn cp and rm: access denied
- svn del, not committed, then rm by mistake
- SVN https folder permissions
- svn import of file when file exists in repository
- svn in a virtual machine?
- SVN Issue on LAN vs Local
- SVN Log -g attaches unrelated commits to revision
- svn log bug in subversion 1.5.4
- svn log get revisions by date
- svn ls possible bug?
- svn merge "autodiscover" parent branch?
- SVN Repository permissions
- SVN vs. AccuRev?
- svn WebDAV
- svn+ssh fails when environment variable "PATH" not set
- SVN+SSH Permission denied for updating, commiting worked
- svn: Failed to find label NULL in URL '/svn/foo/bar'
- svn: Mergeinfo for '/project/branches/dev_joe.bell_1/folder' maps to an empty revision range
- SVN::Pool::finish_report() dies
- svn:externals optionally checked out as read only
- svn:keywords on every file in repository
- svnadmin hangs when creating Berkeley repository on NTFS-3G partition
- svnadmin hangs when creating Berkeley repository on NTFS-3Gpartition
- creates extra level of subdirectory?
- "Can't call method "temp_dir" on an undefined value ..."
- A couple issues, a workaround, an oddity and success.
- the final observations
- svndumpfilter
- SVNListParentPath...
- svnserve authentication via windows active directory
- Svnserve: threads or forks?
- svnsync for parts of a repository
- svnsync switch ?
- switching only part of the working copy
- Tagging and Merging and Rollback
- TortoiseSVN not useable for large SVN projects
- Trying to understand dry-run for merge
- unable to commit to repository: "File already exists"/"a previous representation is currently being written"
- Unexpected result attempting to merge from trunk to branch
- Unexplainable collisions in merge (against vendor's SVN)
- updating multiple repositories with one command
- Upgrade issue
- Upgrade Options for SVN 1.5
- Upgrade subversion
- upgrade SVN
- upgrading python bindings from 1.4.3 to 1.5
- Upgrading repository version to 1.5
- use regex for path matching
- User Authentication fails to Digest Security Svn Server in Ubuntu 8.1
- Using Apache Limit directive with SVN
- Using links
- using PHP with httpd of Collabnet's binary package
- Using Tag methodology
- Version issues?
- Viewing Changes a Particular User Made In a Given Period Of Time
- Viewing SVN Log from ColdFusion 8 form
- Wanted: Subversion list moderator(s).
- Web-UI admin-tool for svnserve
- WEBDAV doesn't propagate pre-commit hook error to client
- What happened to David Anderson's "Proxy support for svn://" proposal?
- what's the current situation WRT "immutable" tagging?
- Which SASL is available to me?
- Why the "application/octet-stream" mime type for images?
- Windows authentication
- Windows vs Linux
- Work directory on samba mount problems
- Wrong merge of single line
- x86 is stone age, how about moving along ?
- Your .svn/tmp directory may be missing or corrupt; run 'svn cleanup' and try again
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