The notes on the changes in SVN 1.5.x at
"Working Copy and Repository Format Changes"
mention a new <svnadmin> subcommand <upgrade>.
Therefore, when upgrading to SVN 1.5.x,
an SVN administrator now has more options than before.
As before, he can:
* upgrade just the server software to SVN 1.5, or
* upgrade the repositories as well as the server software
The benefits of the latter are illustrated quite nicely in the table
"New Feature Compatibility Table"
[See also
"Blocking Merge-Unaware Clients"
regarding how ensure that clients don't mess things up.]
However, now there are the repository upgrade options
(1) upgrade the repositories by performing a dump/load cycle
(2) upgrade the repositories using <svnadmin upgrade>
(a) optionally followed by <fsfs-reshard.py>
(b) optionally followed by <svn-populate-node-origins-index.exe>
It's not completely clear to me what the best route to take is.
(2) seems a lot easier and requires a little less planning than (1),
and looks like it's probably quicker:
The routine for (1) would seem to be:
- take server offline
- backup repositories
- dump each repository (using the old version)
- upgrade software
- delete or move old repositories
- create new (empty) repository "place-holders"
- load each repository
- deploy the "start-commit" hook
- bring server back online
and for (2) it would be
- take server offline
- backup repositories
- upgrade software
- svnadmin upgrade each repository
- fsfs-reshard each repository
- perhaps svn-populate-node-origins-index on each repository
- deploy the "start-commit" hook
- bring server back online
Is (2)+(a) [+(b)] essentially equivalent to (1)?
I suppose what I'm asking is this: are there any features of SVN 1.5
that will not be fully functional except by route (1)?
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