Bob Archer wrote:
> But I think it shows the directory of the target path using the working
> directory as the target. I assume you don't have tags checked out?
Not having tags checked out is not the issue, the ls is being done
against repo revision that he has checked out,
and in that revision the tags directory does not exist.
> What happens if you add -R to your command:
> svn ls -R
> BOb
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 9:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: svn ls possible bug?
> Hey all.
> I'm running Subversion 1.5.1 on a RedHat EL 4 machine, and I've come
> across something peculiar with the 'svn ls' command. The manual says
> that 'svn ls' with no other parameters should query the directory
> listing on the server, not locally, but I don't seem to see that
> behavior; all I see are the local contents.
> For example:
> svn copy --parents http://eswww/svn/test.master.svn/trunk
> http://eswww/test.master.svn/tags/tag1 -m "Created branch1"
> This should create a tags directory and a tag1 directory at the root of
> the repository. However, when I cd to the root and run ls, the output is
> as follows:
> ozakaria_at_apasrv02:>svn ls
> branches/
> trunk/
> No "tag" directory. And yet, if I run the command with a URL, like so:
> ozakaria@apasrv02:>svn ls http://eswww/svn/test.master.svn/
> branches/
> tags/
> trunk/
> So: has anyone else seen this happen? I can't seem to find mention of it
> in the bug tracker, though I realize I'm using an older version than is
> currently out.
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Received on 2008-11-19 15:55:11 CET