Another interesting test using cygwin:
A cygwin_trunk/Device/Deploy/
svn: Can't open file
Kasianov.doc.svn-base': File n
ame too long
This error actually telling me the filename is too long.
Can anyone tell me if this happen to both command line clients and NOT TSVN?
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 7:45 AM, baz themail <> wrote:
> I am not sure what this issue is all about. Is it because of the long file
> names? I can check out the directory via Tortoise but not on command line.
> I am using TSVN version 1.5.3 and Collabnet's command line client version
> 1.5.2 on Windows.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks. A.
> C:\works\trunk>svn up
> svn: Your .svn/tmp directory may be missing or corrupt; run 'svn cleanup'
> and try again
> svn: Can't open file
> 'Device\Deploy\NANDFLASH\Calendar\Device\00000000F70803E0ED758E4F89AF8233FD809E
> E407006B5123B0BB677B45B134290809C8726400045521DADC0000C0320BF18033784B9C3CA6B2CA1C4FBB0004571F04AE00
> 00\Attachment\Master\.svn\tmp\text-base\': The
> system cannot find the path specified.
Received on 2008-11-20 21:12:27 CET