Subversion Users
- "403" when trying to access subversion through httpd
- "connection closed unexpectedly" during checkout
- "Development halted"?
- "Lightweight" externals - is it possible?
- "Out of date" error
- "permission denied" on commits-- OS X client, Windows working directory
- "Skipped missing target" merging back to trunk
- "svn commit" hangs -> select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 25000}) = 0 (Timeout)
- "svn copy" semantics: replace vs. place into
- "svnadmin hotcopy" doesn't preserve file owners/permissions
- 'svn ls -r' fails when moving directory
- (Repost) Can Apache root be a subdirectory of the repository root?
- ...... path malfunctions
- 1.2 Book Status
- 404 in faq.html
- 404 on CHECKOUT
- [Jan Normann Nielsen <>] 1.2 Book Status
- [Newbie alert] Question about keeping a branch up-to-date with the trunk
- [RFC] Ability to add external directories as exported paths
- A merge question similar to the diff question
- A paucity of moderators for Subversion lists.
- Add in Branch, tag, trunk directories after the fact
- again, APR_PATH_MAX
- Alternative for svn mv command?
- ANN: CodeWarrior VCS Plugin 1.0
- Announce: PySVN 1.3.1
- Announce: PySVN WorkBench 1.2.0
- another 301 problem
- Any update on 'obliterate'?
- Any way to dump subdirectories of repositories?
- Apache Setup
- Apache+Svn hangs every 1-2 weeks
- Apache+svn+authorization
- Apache-WebSVN process needs /root/.subversion access?
- authenticated users with different rights
- Authentication and repo-browser
- authz documentation?
- auto-props setting being ignored when muliple similar patterns are specified
- Automatic mirroring to remote location
- Automatic updating file in a repository
- Autoversioned WebDAV on subtree?
- AW: AW: AW: AW: How to check integrity of database?
- AW: AW: AW: How to check integrity of database?
- AW: AW: AW: is it possible to do an undelete?
- AW: AW: How to check integrity of database?
- AW: AW: is it possible to do an undelete?
- AW: How to check integrity of database?
- AW: How to handle 'read only' files?
- AW: is it possible to do an undelete?
- AW: Nested Branches
- AW: Simple Question
- AW: subversion security, everyone can commit, limited to who can delete
- AW: Subversion Setup Subclipse "Can't Create tunnel" Authentication canceled
- AW: Upper-/Lowercase-Problem on Windows
- berkley db error: log files?
- broken repository?, (Connection closed unexpectedly)
- BUDDY: svn copy https-to-https gives "502 bad gateway"?
- bug fixing across many branches
- Bug while setting property
- bugtraq pros and cons
- bugtraq:failifnoissue
- Building up baseline repository with old builds
- Building up baseline repository with old builds)
- Can Apache root be a subdirectory of the repository root?
- Can I have the same folder in twice?
- Can not specify the listen host?
- Can the pre-commit hook sent a message to the SubVersion client, if it allows a commit?
- Can users@svn consider using M2F or Gossamer threads?
- Can't build subcommander - unresolved reference to svn_error_dup
- Can't convert string from native encoding to 'UTF-8': [409, #22]
- Can't find equivalent to "CVS release -d"
- can't update after having updated a sub-part of the tree
- Can't use svn_load_dirs on trac?
- Cannot do a 'svn status': svn responds something about invalid UTF-8 data
- cannot get post-commit.tmpl to work
- Case-Sensitive commit allowed which created update error
- Change locale for $date$?
- Change repository versioning mode
- Change repository versioning mode/SVN ACLs
- Changing files being committed
- Changing property on trunk and branch does not give conflict (but same changes to file does)
-, advice for installation under windows XP
- Checking on SVN Feature
- Checkout a revision
- Checkout and update atomicity
- Checkout filtering wanted
- checksum problem
- Client binaries for HPUX 11 or AIX 5.1?
- Combining two repositories
- Commit casual fails: Can't open file '../db/transactions/331-1.txn/node.0.0': Permission denied (svn,FSFS, apache)
- Compiled Python hookscript error: "terminate it in an unusual way"
- complex tags that only include certain files
- Complexity of creating a new revision.
- confirm unsubscribe from
- Copy History to New Repository
- Copying repository to working repository on another machine?
- Could not read chunk delimiter: Secure connection truncated
- Could not read chunk size: Secure connection truncated
- Couldn't determine absolute path of
- Creating a tar/zip along with svn copy
- creating history file and zip files
- customizing syn:keywords
- daily commit reports
- DB versions
- db_recover fatal error, is repo lost?
- Detecting whether a particular subversion URL's content has changed
- Disabling Automatic Merge on Update?
- Disk space usage
- Does SVN transmit file deltas?
- Download Deltas Part II
- Dreamweaver 8 and subversion
- dump problems
- enable-auto-props does not work for svn:keywords
- Error Accessing Remote Repository
- error on subversion faq
- Error opening db lockfile
- error using umlaut and other accented characters
- Error: Install Apache 2.2.5 and svn 1.2.3 WIndows
- Error: The version resource does not correspond to the resource within the transaction.
- Explorer Details columns
- Export behaving badly
- export only modified files
- export to stdout
- ezmlm warning
- Failing to compile subversion
- Failure in cvs2svn
- Feature suggestion
- feature suggestion: backup/move file when checking out
- file encryption
- file size limit reached error?
- filter files before commit
- Filter this users email list by subject keyword
- Fixing Errors Withing a New Version
- FSVS 1.0.1 released
- FSVS 1.0.2 released
- full text search source code, and change sets
- Getting a listing of files that ever existed?
- Global Ignore on mod_dav_svn
- Help needed to recover BDB repos
- help with viewcvs.conf
- Help! svnadmin recover says it worked but strange issues
- Hook Script to change username case
- How do I "svn log" a directory w/o including its files in the log.
- How do I re-organize one project in a repository
- How do i set up post commit hook script?
- How does one get a the size of a file?
- How not to recurse into specific directories?
- How to access svn protocol websites
- How to alter default behavior of svn commit?
- How to check integrity of a working copy?
- How to check integrity of database?
- How to compare a revision with a tag?
- How to delete a project???
- how to discover what branches exist
- How to get proplist for a file in a python script
- How to handle 'read only' files?
- How to make properties working on a complete project?
- How to manage branches?
- How to overlay files?
- How to protect an interoffice build-machine from most local changes?
- How to revert an import....
- How-To Add Script to Subversion On Windows
- HowTo "kick off" all users except me for repo maintenance?
- Identifying copies in other branches
- Import RCS files into Subversion?
- Including instead of ignoring files
- installation issues -- permissions
- installed svn packages on RH Enterprise 4 .. now what
- Invalid diff stream
- Invitation
- is it possible to do an undelete?
- Is my repository hosed?
- Issue with password character?
- javahl for subclipse
- Keyword expansion when accessing the repository through WebDAV
- LDAP + fine grained acess
- LDAP authentication broke after SVN upgrade 1.1.1 to 1.2
- LDAP Groups
- libtool: install: error: cannot install `' to a directory
- libtool: install: error: cannot install `' to a directory not ending in /usr/local/lib
- libtool: install: error: cannot install `' toa directory not ending in /usr/local/lib
- Limiting the commit size
- Listing All Repositories in a Directory
- Locale problem: Can't convert string from native encoding to 'UTF-8'
- lock errors in subversion
- lock owner
- locking a directory
- Locking notification
- Looking for a LDAP + SVN tutorial
- Looking for special kind of SVN-client
- Make svnserve case-insensive?
- make swig-py error
- Malformed Representation header
- managing shared sub-project release files
- Manual bug and a suggestion
- Migration from PVCS Dimensions to Subversion
- move from repository to repository?!
- Moving an FSFS repository
- Moving Folders within a checked out repository
- MSWord file in svn - change properties on commit
- Multiple paths
- Multiple Repositories
- My WebSVN server timediffs are off, any idea why?
- namestitev svn-ja
- need suggestions on managing test data
- needs-lock
- Nested Branches
- Netapps NAS(NFS) and FSFS?
- Network setup for svnserve (Windows)
- Newbie question: Whats the windows svn url
- newbie: how to simple windows backup
- no decision has been made on APR_PATH_MAX for your platform
- non-HEAD revisions
- One questions
- only svn checkout -> unusable URI.. & report request faild on..
- OOM problems
- OpenDoc and svn
- Operation level security in subversion
- OSX install
- Overall costs to implement Subversion
- overseas performance
- Perl equiv for 'svn info'?
- Permissions to create db/transactions/0-1.txn
- PHPProxy for you!
- pre-checkout/export hook
- pre-commit hooks does not show any output
- Pre-populate properties in the dropdown
- pre-revprop-change - owner only can change
- Pre/Post checkout update scripts?
- Problem during subversion installation
- Problem excluding files using "global-ignores" setting in config file
- Problem with HotCopy
- Problem with server certificate: solved
- Problem with Subversion's ViewCVS installation
- Problem with svn status -u (v1.2.3) 403 Forbidden
- problem with svnversion -n
- Problems after upgrade to SVN 1.2.3 svn log
- Problems Apache 2.0.55 (msi) with Subversion 1.2.3 (exe).
- problems checking out on windows
- problems compiling subversion python bindings
- Problems with FSFS
- problems with non-ascii filenames: "Can't convert string from 'UTF-8' to native encoding"
- Project format - doesn't track a switch - url_short - bug?
- Project Layout advice: non version controlled tree's in project
- Proxy Issues
- Psaswords
- PUT Error adding files to repos
- Python hookscipt confusion: "ImportError: No module named svn"
- Python hookscipt confusion: "ImportError: No module named svn" - solved
- Question about merging
- question about subversion log
- RapidSVN 0.9.0 Mac OS/X binary available
- RapidSVN 0.9.0 released
- RapidSVN: Segmentation fault while running rapidsvn-0.7.2-1.i386.rpm
- READ-ONLY Subversion Account?
- real quick answers about Subversion
- Recovery function for LSN 92 419014 failed
- regarding httpd config entries for accessing dav module from eclipse with subversion hosted on the httpd server
- relocation error
- remove a checked out directory
- removing files listed in the editor on a commit have no effect on files commited
- Repository crash - Recovery failed
- repository layout
- Repository Layout Suggestions...?
- Request Tag-PreCommit-Script/hook for use at the OS: Windows Server 2003
- Request: way to get -rBASE with keywords expanded without using the network
- requirements management tool and subversion integration
- Revision number offset after dump/load cycle
- Revision numbers to what degree are they permanent
- Roles in subversion and access restriction
- Segmentation Fault
- Setting Permissions - SVN installation
- Simple Question
- Sorry
- Special Keyword for being ignored by diff during commit?
- Spurious "PROPFIND request failed - could not connect to server "
- SSL session renegotiation fails after updating Apache 2.0.54 to 2.0.55
- Step by Step Subversion Installation Guide for Linux and Solaris
- Strange SVN output
- Subject libtool: install: error: cannot install `' to a directory
- Subversion - ia64 RPM
- Subversion and IBM HTTP Server 6.0.2
- Subversion and Photoshop
- Subversion automatic Update
- Subversion crashing on a copy command. Where are the logs?
- Subversion handles UTF-16 as binary?
- Subversion in JBuilder 2005 Foundation
- Subversion Integrity Problem
- Subversion keywords
- Subversion not working when working copy is on samba share (Solved)
- Subversion on an USB FAT32 partition
- Subversion over IPv6
- subversion security, everyone can commit, limited to who can delete
- Subversion Service issue
- Subversion Setup Subclipse "Can#t Create tunnel"
- Subversion Setup Subclipse "Can't Create tunnel" Authentication canceled
- Subversion use case - Remote users with no network connectivi ty
- Subversion use case - Remote users with no network connectivity
- Subversion uses Python... well now Python uses Subversion!
- Subversion vs. Apache Jackrabbit/JSR-170
- Suggestions for Repository layout
- Suse Linux and Subversion and mod_dav_svn
- SV: Request Tag-PreCommit-Script/hook for use at the OS: Windows Server 2003
- SV: Request Tag-PreCommit-Script/hook for use at the OS: Windows Server 2003 (repository-path in the Pre-Commit hook)
- SV: SV: Request Tag-PreCommit-Script/hook for use at the OS: Windows Server 2003
- svn + +apache + winbind
- svn 1.2.3 fails exporting deleted files; bug?
- svn 1.2.3: not loading
- SVN and file modification date
- SVN as a versioning filesystem?
- SVN Authentication
- SVN Checkout error
- svn checkout remote question
- svn co + transparent web-proxy
- svn co file:///repo/etc/shadow and BAD file permissions
- svn co performance
- SVN deactivated by Xinetd then cant start
- svn del file without rm?
- Svn diff and merge don't seem to work for me.
- svn hook concurrency
- svn import and svn add: can't --no-ignore
- svn ln
- SVN on Suse9.2..Help Reqd
- SVN recursion on Windows cannot penetrate deep trees properly
- svn segfaults on checkout
- svn switch --relocate fails for deleted directory
- Svn update
- svn usages for some useful cvs commands
- SVN without server?
- svn: Can't open file 'C:/Projects/ozclim/source/.svn/tmp/text-base/reefclim.dof.svn-base': The system cannot find the file specified.
- svn: Invalid change ordering: new node revision ID without delete
- svn:externals best practices
- svn:keyword
- svn:mime-type, autoprops in config and charset.
- svnadmin verify output
- svnadmin: Checksum mismatch while reading representation:
- unaccessible
- svnindex.css
- svnserve -r or --root
- SVNServe and per-directory file access
- svnserve question
- SVNService as local service on windows 2003 server
- SVNService will not run
- swig-py make problem under SuSE 9.3
- system-wide configuration settings possible?
- tags compare
- taking part of a repository: beyond svndumpfilter
- Terminology: Two meanings of "repository"
- Thanks for such excellent software - subversion + tortoisesvn
- The case of the vanishing Hostname
- trouble commiting change through apache 2.0.54 (file:/// works ok)
- Trunk and Branch
- umask of .svn files
- Understanding merging.
- unique branch problem
- update after file move proves a challenge
- Upgrade from 1.1.4 to 1.2.3 on Win32 2003
- Upgrading 1.1 to 1.2.3
- Upper-/Lowercase-Problem on Windows
- url keyword question
- User Account Maintenance
- User Authorization
- Using "Require group" in mod_dav_svn and Active Directory?
- Using --diff-cmd=/usr/bin/diff3 says merGed but is Conflict
- Versioning of /etc - was: umask of .svn files
- ViewCVS (?)
- viewcvs and subversion
- ViewCVS and Subversion how to?
- WebSVN -- problems getting started
- What is the advantage of using svn in Emacs?
- What is the easiest way to "preauthenticate" users?
- what's the revision number i have ?
- Why does merge skip files?!?
- Will be my current repository be suporrted by Subversion Version 1.2.4?
- Windows remote clients
- working with multiple related projects
- Would a proxy cache be worthwhile to improve checkout performance?
- wrong characters
- XML parse error at line 156205: not well-formed (invalid token)
- XML schema for output to SVNIndexXSLT?
[Subversion] ·
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