Nick Thompson wrote:
> I'm using svn+ssh, where I already have an ssh key pair setup
> to the server
> for other purposes and therefore don't want to specify the
> svnserve command
> in authorized_keys. What is the recommended approach to
> specifying the -r or
> --root option to use on the server?
> Currently, I have a svnserve wrapper:
> ===========================
> #!/bin/sh -f
> ARGS=""
> while [ ! -z "$1" ]; do
> space_test=`echo $1 | awk '{print $2}'`
> if [ ! -z "$space_test" ]; then
> ARGS="$ARGS \"$1\""
> else
> ARGS="$ARGS $1"
> fi
> shift
> done
> eval /usr/bin/svnserve -r /root/path $ARGS
> ===========================
Wouldn't this be equivalent to
/usr/bin/svnserve -r /root/path "$@"
or even
alias svnserve='svnserve -r /root/path'
I am sure there are similar solutions for other shells, too.
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Received on Thu Oct 27 06:50:42 2005