svn 1.2.3 fails exporting deleted files. Cmdline session details below.
Is this a bug? Is it on the targeted fix list? Are there alternatives to
solve the problems described below?
It's breaking WebSVN when trying to acquired deleted files in a
revision-timeframe prior to their deletion. WebSVN simply can't get the
file...and thus far I've traced this down the export not working (details
Also, files lists from deleted directories also appear to have
problems--they just don't show up in WebSVN. I'm wondering if this is
related. I haven't debugged this issue yet, not sure if I'll have time.
mengland@biz2tek 12:38pm [~/tmp] 40> svn log -r 7
r7 | mengland | 2005-10-04 12:27:06 -0500 (Tue, 04 Oct 2005) | 2 lines
addin xyz.bin
mengland@biz2tek 12:38pm [~/tmp] 41> svn export -r 7
svn: File not found: revision 8, path '/xyz.bin'
mengland@biz2tek 12:38pm [~/tmp] 42> svn co -r 7
svn: File not found: revision 8, path '/xyz.bin'
mengland@biz2tek 12:39pm [~/tmp] 43> svn co -r 7
file:///svnrepos/zz-svn-test A zz-svn-test/xyz.bin
A zz-svn-test/a b c.bin
Checked out revision 7.
mengland@biz2tek 12:39pm [~/tmp] 44>
mengland@biz2tek 12:39pm [~/tmp] 44> dir zz-svn-test/
total 2
1 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mengland mengland 8 Oct 4 12:39 a b c.bin
1 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mengland mengland 8 Oct 4 12:39 xyz.bin
mengland@biz2tek 12:39pm [~/tmp] 45> dir
total 2
1 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mengland mengland 8 Oct 4 10:51 a b c.bin
1 drwxrwxr-x 3 mengland mengland 1024 Oct 4 12:39 zz-svn-test/
mengland@biz2tek 12:39pm [~/tmp] 46>
mengland@biz2tek 12:46pm [~/tmp] 62> svnlook changed -r 8
/svnrepos/zz-svn-test D xyz.bin
mengland@biz2tek 12:46pm [~/tmp] 63> svnlook changed -r 7 /svnrepos/zz-svn-test
A xyz.bin
mengland@biz2tek 12:46pm [~/tmp] 64> svn --version | head -2
svn, version 1.2.3 (r15833)
compiled Sep 27 2005, 06:54:49
mengland@biz2tek 12:46pm [~/tmp] 65>
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Received on Tue Oct 4 19:52:24 2005