On 10/27/05, Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2005@ryandesign.com> wrote:
> On Oct 27, 2005, at 11:49, Alexandr wrote:
> > I'd like to see the more powerful system for work with bunches. For
> > example it would be nice if subversion saves the merge history and
> > use it in further merges to avoid remerge old changes. So it will not
> > be necessary to remember the revision myself.
> Merge tracking is certainly planned.
> http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=820
> As you can see, it was entered into the issue tracker over 3 years
> ago, so who knows when it'll get done.
> > Also I'd like see more support for Win32 clients. I mean case
> > sensetivity in the file names. Sometimes we get a trouble with it. We
> > know workaround but it is not comfortable.
> I can't fathom why all these Windows users have problems with this. I
> use Mac OS X which also has a case-insensitive filesystem, and I
> never feel the urge to change the case of my filenames. I get it
> right the first time.
It's usually not the users, but the applications that randomly change
the case of files. Which normally doesn't matter, but with subversion
it does. OS X probably has better behaved applications.
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Received on Thu Oct 27 17:31:27 2005