Are you using Apache/mod_svn? If you are, you should consider enabling
mod_deflate to compress server responses (and, with the right client config
file option, the requests.) I've had good luck with this making a
significant impact with high-latency/low-bandwidth connections.
I can share my config settings for this if you are interested, my server is
a Win2K server as well.
On 10/25/05, J S <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've seen some reference that we should expect a
> performance hit in overseas offices. Can anyone
> clarify what should be exected?
> Locally (repository in the same office) we can get
> file logs in 2-3 seconds. Similar response elsewhere
> in N.Am. But in Japan and Australia they're seeing 3
> minutes. Is this normal?
> Packet traces show differences of about 4x between
> here and Japan but still less than 200ms. But at the
> Subversion level, we're seeing a factor of about 60x.
> If this is not normal behavior, where can we look to
> optimize our system? It is a 600MHz Pentium 3 running
> Win2K Server.
> Thanks,
> - jevans
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Received on Tue Oct 25 19:09:02 2005