The subject text of the initializing Email to the
Users@Subversion-MailingList was:
"Request Tag-PreCommit-Scripthook for use at the OS Windows Server 2003"
On the server we use Windows Server 2003. How can this execute perl-script?
The 50kByte-perl-script is a big solution to a small problem,
but maybe there isn't any other way :(
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: David Weintraub []
Sendt: 16. oktober 2005 03:02
Til: René Vestergaard
Emne: Re: Request Tag-PreCommit-Script/hook for use at the OS: Windows
Server 2003
I have a pre-commit hook that allows you to prevent committing in
particular directories or files (there's already a hook that does
that). My hook also allows you to copy to a tag directory, but not
allow any changes in the new tag (which is what people really want: A
way to create a tag and make sure that tag can't be changed).
I've enclosed that hook. Please let me know how it works out.
On 10/12/05, René Vestergaard <> wrote:
> I need af way to prevent changes/commits to branches under:
> SomeProject/tags/
> The script/hook examples I found do not work for me,
> because the subversion server run on a PC with Windows Server 2003.
> How can i make a precommit-script that prevents commits to Tags?
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David Weintraub
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Received on Mon Oct 24 13:11:08 2005