We ran into a problem which first showed itself as follows.
I have set up a new build box, and attempted to checkout a full project
to it.
svn: In directory 'C:/Projects/ozclim/source'
svn: Can't open file
The system cannot find the file specified.
The original repository was created as CVS and migrated to BerkleyDB
under Subversion 1.1.3, using cvs2svn(I think) and accessed using
Last August the file mentioned and two others were added according to
the logs.
However they were present in the initial CVS repository, and in a backup
of the SVN repository from March this year.
Issuing the command svn delete for each of the files in turn as they are
reported on successive checkouts seems to leave the repository in a
consistent state and with all three files intact.
Thus I conclude that the problem appears that there were duplicate
entries for these three files after this commit.
From my Bugzilla logs.
Discovered after upgrading SVN from version 1.1.3 to 1.2.3 that a
checkout on
the new build box gave error as follows.
svn: In directory 'C:/Projects/ozclim/source'
svn: Can't open file
system cannot find the file specified.
Installed SVN 1.1.3 on build box to eliminate SVN version as culprit.
Restoring \\stratus-as\climateimpact\backup\Archives\svn\Week
1\svn.ZIP(4/10/2005) onto build box, and running SVNServer, gave same
Restoring \\stratus-as\ClimateImpact\backup\Archives\svn\Mar\svn.ZIP
(7/03/2005) and restore is error free.
Thus a corruption has got in prior to upgrade.
------- Comment #1 <http://cig1-as/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=117#c1>
From 2005-10-13 10:41
Jim - it appears you are surging ahead with a resolution to this bug -
so i'm
assigning it to you...
------- Comment #2 <http://cig1-as/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=117#c2>
From Jim Ricketts <> 2005-10-13 16:26
1. Tried dumping the data (got no errors), and then doing "svnadmin
load" (see
subversion documentation /Repository Administration/Repository
Maintenance/Repository Recovery).
Same problem. Then did a svn delete of the named file and trying again.
The checkout failed some thirty files later with another fault on
2. Tried restoring the data, deleting the ozclim\exe subtree which is
big and
useless, then restoring from that.
------- Comment #3 <http://cig1-as/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=117#c3>
From Jim Ricketts <> 2005-10-14 10:25
Removing the large subtree (exe) has no effect.
Restored and am trying just to delete the problem files until the
Files are
reefclim.dof (stopped at 167)
reefclim.dpr (at 194)
reefclim.res (at 210)
Note that the next checkout includes the three files above.
Version - salvaged coralbleachSingle.dfm and
OSG_Gui_ReefClim.dfm from
Cher's old development archive - these files were corrupted within
ReefClim now builds with Version and Compile Date set
UU trunk/delphi/projects/ozclim/source/OSG_Gui_ReefClim.dfm
A trunk/delphi/projects/ozclim/source/ReefClim.dof
A trunk/delphi/projects/ozclim/source/ReefClim.dpr
A trunk/delphi/projects/ozclim/source/ReefClim.res
U trunk/delphi/projects/ozclim/source/Sys.pas
UU trunk/delphi/projects/ozclim/source/coralbleachSingle.dfm
The point perhaps being that the three files shown as added already
existed at
that time.
Now it's possible that the files had their attributes changed.
Will mail subversion team with an incident.
Received on Fri Oct 14 09:37:31 2005