On 10/24/05, Scott Guerrieri <SGuerrieri@bay-tec.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Recently I achieved the installation of the Subversion system 1.2.3
> (r15833) within my company as their primary version control system. We ran
> into an error whereby the system was hung up until I could sort through what
> had happened. The issue involved the committing of a file with an identical
> name and a capitalized extension. i.e.-somefile.ext -> somefile.EXT This
> was allowed without any notification of error. The system maintained
> history for the new file and the old file. Upon attempting to accomplish an
> update, all of my users where given an error that the file already existed
> elsewhere and could not complete their updates. We use universally the
> TortoiseSVN 1.2.4 Build 4479. The first question is why was no notification
> given that this was not an allowable commit? The second question is why the
> update halts when an error occurs. Is there no mechanism for logging the
> error and completing the update on the rest of the files?
Subversion is case-sensitive so it has no problem with two filenames
differing only in case. To disallow this one can use a precommit hook.
There is one in the subversion contrib
<http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/contrib/hook-scripts/>, I found
it via the TortoiseSVN FAQ
I think TortoiseSVN will also detect case changes in filenames and
silently change them back if you changed the case using normal
explorer operations.
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Received on Tue Oct 25 22:52:50 2005