Why does merge skip files?!?
From: Gre7g Luterman <gre7g_at_kyoht.com>
Date: 2005-10-05 22:22:42 CEST
I searched the archive for answers on this one, but it seems like
gre7g@7[4732]$ svn --version
The original branch was made quite a while ago. The changes are now
gre7g@7[4732]$ svn log --stop-on-copy branches/dummy | tail -n 8
Branched trunk to dummy at revision #31.
Now I can safely add in code to supply dummy data in the absence of a
I've never merged this branch back, so I want to take all the changes
gre7g@7[4732]$ svn merge -r32:HEAD branches/dummy trunk
Why is it skipping these darn files? If I do this merge on my
Does anyone know what I'm messing up? I haven't even changed the
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