Thanks to you both. Yes, I'm suffering from cvs exposure. The documentation
isn't too clear. It kind of implies that all you have to do is reference the
revisions to get the difference between two branches.
However I still don't understand the reason the merge doesn't work
On 10/21/05, Paul Koning <> wrote:
> >>>>> "Jim" == Jim Lynch <> writes:
> Jim> I have two branches by different names. On is revision 15 and
> Jim> the other is revision 12. There are hundreds of lines of
> Jim> differences however this diff command comes up empty.
> Jim> svn diff -r 12:15
> Jim> Even diff -r HEAD:12 should produce lots of differences, but it
> Jim> doesn't.
> Jim> Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?
> Presumably you're executing that command in a working directory,
> checked out from one of those branches.
> What the command means is: tell me the differences for the files in
> THIS directory and its children (i.e., in the branch for THIS
> directory) between the two revs mentioned.
> If you made no changes in this branch between those two revs, you will
> not see anything.
> I think you're suffering from the CVS version conceptual mixup. A
> subversion revision number isn't a revision number of a part of the
> repository (for example, a given branch). So your first paragraph
> isn't correct in Subversion. The correct statement would be:
> I have two branches by different names. One branch was last changed
> in repository rev 15; the other was last changed in repository
> rev 12.
> In other words: for the second branch, that subtreee of the repository
> is unchanged between revs 12 and all later revs.
> ---
> Now to what you probably meant to do:
> If you want to see the difference between two branches, do this:
> svn diff svn://hostname/repos/branches/branch1
> svn://hostname/repos/branches/branch2
> That will compare the latest version of branch1 with the latest in
> branch2. If you want to compare earlier versions, add @version to one
> or the other URL, as needed.
> paul
Received on Sat Oct 22 02:13:42 2005