Subversion Users
- "Malformed representation header"
- "Merging" to reps
- "OPTIONS request failed" on commit
- "svn add" "svn:ignore" help
- "svn unpull"?
- '/media/Repositories/db/transactions/0-1.txn': Permission denied
- not a working copy directory
- .svn directories added to repository
- /usr/bin/libtool: can't map file: /usr/local/apache2/lib ((os/kern) invalid argument)
- 301 error on merging
- [ACLs] not work!
- [ANNOUNCE] FSVS 1.0.9 released
- [Issue 2541] Introducing shelves
- [Reminder] Subversion a mentor for Google Summer of Code
- A filter for empty revisions
- About general artifact management
- Absolutely Purge a File from Repository?
- access denied errors (bug 1576) still a problem?
- add vs delete question
- Adding information about the latest revision of any file in a repository
- ANN: CodeWarrior VCS Plugin 1.1b2
- ANN: CodeWarrior VCS Plugin 1.1b4
- Announce: PySVN WorkBench 1.4.0
- Another authz question
- Any experience with Apache's mod_deflate with Subversion?
- Apache 2.2 + Mod_Authnz_External + Subversion AuthUserFile
- Apache Server Startup Issue
- Apache Server Version
- apache version 2.2.2
- apparent file locks when using WebDAV
- Atomic commit multiple cp URL URL
- authz question
- authz: what has precedence when user is multiply referenced for a particular path?
- authz: what has precidence when user is multiply referenced for a particular path?
- auto props / locking
- auto-props on directory
- automatic deployment or websites
- Automatic syntax reformatting hook
- Automatic updating on a checkin
- Automating an export procedure
- AW: Automating an export procedure
- AW: Temporarily stash all .svn directories
- Backing up/restoring locks
- Backup best practices?
- Bad gateway on copy
- Best Practice Question
- Best practices to restore a deleted trunk
- Best way to deliver only updates?
- BigIP svn: OPTIONS request failed
- Book about 1.3.x?
- Brain Freeze with Tags
- Browsing the repository (svn ls) is slow when using fsfs/authz and svn HEAD
- BUG? svn info gives zero return status in some failing cases
- BUG? svn status --show-updates can fail on a replaced file for no good reason
- bug?: "commit failed, file already exists"
- Can CVS and SVN happily exist on the same machine?
- Can I define lables for URLs in my local config file?
- can I setup svn server through Tomcat?
- can't co a repos over svn+ssh
- Can't commit over svn-dav
- Can't figure out authzfile syntax for subdirectory access control
- Can't read length line in file (again).
- Cannot Access Repository using Apache Server
- cannot checkout connection refused
- Cannot download Win32 binaries for 1.3.1
- cannot recover from "Secure connection truncated"
- Certificate Authority not recognized
- change email notification
- Changes in small binary files are not detected by svn client
- Changing Case / svn move
- character encoding on import
- Checking out a single file
- checking out mac resource forks
- checking out mac resource forks, file checkout order
- checkout
- Checkout project over https
- checkout to stdout (cvs -p)?
- checkout]
- Clearcase to Subversion conversion
- Commit .jsp problem
- commit-access-control.cfg file
- Commits of Modified files seens as Deletes by Subversion
- comparison times with perforce
- Complete history of a file
- configure claims SWIG 1.3.29 < 1.3.24; huh?
- configure failed for apr-util
- Configuring on Windows
- Consistent live fsfs backups without copy
- Control access to new created folders
- Copy & Out of date error
- Copy from a WC will include deleted files?
- Copy Repository?
- Copying a directory from another repository
- Core Dump on HPUX
- Corrupt entry in 'transactions' table for 'p6' in filesystem 'C:/SVNRepository/db'
- could not find library containing RSA_new
- CPU usage during commits
- Creating trunk later
- cvs merge from uncommited working copy
- cygwin and subversion error
- Daily digest commit hook
- Damaged SVN repository
- DBT header file
- default version control for all adds/deletes/renames in working copies
- Delete on branch does not show up in diff
- Demanding Win32 server problem fixed! One final question ...
- Demanding Win32 server setup: is there any hope?
- Desktop / Server configuration
- diagnosing "Internal Server" errors on commit
- Diff usage
- Diff usage)
- diff without property changes?
- difference between svn and regular merge?
- Dir for latest stable release?
- disjoint working copies and single commit
- Does anyone have issues with subversion and samba?
- Does https / SSL with mod_authz_svn & Basic Authentication work?
- don't update branches in local copy
- double merge
- Early access program for software build management server Parabuild 2.1
- Encoding issues
- Encrypted passwords in passdw
- Error in svn
- error on delete
- Error while checking out path using Apache and error accessing svn+ssh
- Error with installing python bindings and swig
- Error: Cannot replace a directory from within after a move.
- Expected format '3' of repository; found format '4'
- export every version of every file
- externals
- features suggestion
- Few questions on Subversion
- file checkout order
- firefox download problem
- Fisheye found a problem in my repository
- Force conflict on any changes to same file?
- Force copy?
- Free Thawte Email cert & Firefox
- FSFS / svn client time outs
- FSVS 1.0.7 released
- FYI this time that 301 Moved Permanently error was caused by
- Getting the SVN command line to work with Tortoise and SmartSVN clients
- Group email header request
- Help installing SVN on Suse
- Help, check-out error
- Hook Script error
- Hooks and parameters
- How do I check out a subset of directories
- How do you copy folders from windows to unix, but maintan the link to the repository?
- How to add an "older" revision?
- How to check out from https?
- How to configure project based ACLs?
- How to convert from Subversion to CVS?
- how to get ancestry information
- How to locate message number?
- How to take an archive home
- How to unsubscribe
- how to use environment variable
- http access Error using Apache server
- httpd child process segfault ?
- https, AuthzSVNAccessfile and Basic Authen
- Ignoring deleted files in working directory
- Import Option Using Subversion
- Impossibly long disk-grinding on checkout
- Information line in files
- Instal Subversion 1.3.1 on Debian Stable
- Install error
- Interactive pre-commit hook script?
- Invalid control character in path
- Is it OK to post a beta announcement for a product that supports Subversion?
- Is merging branches reliable?
- Issues with permissions during check in / check out
- JavaHL API
- large commits or small commits?
- list all tags/branches a for an arbitrary file(s)/dir(s)
- List files modified since time x
- load problem
- local diff
- locking and subdirectories bug?
- locking directories
- Locking files across branches?
- Looking for 2 buddies
- Looking for volunteers to beta test new hosting service
- Mailer
- diff in windows
- make install
- make install problem
- Managing 2 almost indetical web project.
- mangled ?\nnn encoding; os.popen; only in hook script
- maximum filesize
- Maximum number of subdirectories
- MD5 for Win32 installer
- Medium term goals
- merge fails - svn: URL xxx/xxx doesn't match existing url xxx/yyy
- Merge property question
- Merging 2 branches
- Merging a single edit, but the file was moved during the commit.
- Merging and Additions
- merging and deleted directories
- merging in changes from external -- supported? doesn't make any sense?
- Merging not working correctly
- Merging repositories ?
- merging suddenly doesn't work
- migration issue from ubuntu 5.10 to fedora core 5
- Minor issue: how do I link one repository version to another?
- Minor issue: how do I link one repository version to another? (subversion: message 7 of 20)
- Minor problem extracting from SVN repository
- Missing revisions in FSFS repository
- Mod_DAV_SVN on FreeBSD
- mod_dav_svn Plugin
- wasn't created
- mod_dav_svn/mod_authz_svn - SVN1.3.1
- mod_dav_svn/mod_authz_svn - SVN1.3.1 + Apache2.2.2
- More debug info options than "neon-debug-mask = 130"?
- MSW versus Linux server
- Multiple repositories same hooks
- Need help with multiple commits instead of one ?
- Neon Inclusion?
- New hosting service
- NOTICE: Seekers of the fabled "useable 'checkout -N'" draw near!
- obstructed merges, loss of files
- Obtaining the list of added/removed files
- One repository but partial components
- Pacing backups
- packaging swig python hpux ia64 (+DD64)
- Pb with error when switching
- Per-directory access control bug?
- Performance Issues With Apache + SVN
- Permanent tags / Virtual subprojects
- permissions of project files
- Please help! I need *GENERAL* troubleshooting
- Plots of commits to repositories
- possible bug
- post-commit hook not firing over svn+ssh (Subclipse)
- Potential bug, svn delete with large number of files in directory
- pre-commit hangs
- pre-commit hook that examines content
- problem about "multiple repository" svnaccessfile
- Problem after upgrading 1.2.1 -> 1.3.1
- Problem with multiple users moving and updating files
- Problem with new directory-level authz authorization with svnserve
- problem with setting up the httpd.conf file
- Problem: get trunk directory when checking out files & don't want it
- Problemas al Instalar SubVersion en Windows XP
- Problems compiling: undefined references
- Problems creating trunk and branches from existing repository
- problems when merging branches
- Processing localized svn info
- Promotion of code
- pseudo-obliterate
- Q: commit-access-control.cfg file
- Question about svn lock
- R: load problem
- ranlib: command not found - Subversion1.3.1 Make install on Solaris9
- RapidSVN 0.9.2 released
- RapidSVN 0.9.2 released (Updated Mac OS/X package)
- Reading Commits From External File
- Recover after HD crash (SVN with FSFS backend)
- Recovering from bad dump
- removing .svn files from local copy
- Rename and ancestry (help,pleeze!)
- Renaming directories in repo?
- Repeated merging causing conflicts
- Repo warped back in time after backup/restore - now what? (aka The Codehaus problem)
- Repos on Linux (RH9), want to view offline on Windows
- Repository on Novell network drive, SVN server on Windows
- repository revision -> header file?
- Repository size bdb vs fsfs
- Repository URL vs Authorization Path
- Restricting Access to a Local Subversion Repository
- reverting a committed revision
- revision graph problem
- Revisjon autoprop?
- rsync and .svn directory hiding
- Running Hook script on Windows
- Running SVN on x64 hardware
- Schema for the subversion log in XML format. Want to try own XSLT.
- Scott Meesseman/ah/alai/alps/us is out of the office.
- Setting up a remote Subversion repository (slightly off-topic)
- Shared source best practices
- Should this question be on dev --> Apache 2.2 for Subversion 1.3 on Windows XP
- sourceforge svn
- SSH Authentication problem
- SSH authentication Problem in SVN
- SSL/Certificate Problem
- store only the most recent revision(s) of a document in SVN
- Strange pre-commit-hook behaviour
- Strange request for permissions on "tags" directory
- Strange svn move behaviour
- subversion 1.3.1 + apr 0.9.7 = memory leak?
- Subversion 1.3.1 book?
- subversion 1.3.1 configure issue
- Subversion 1.3.1 Install Issue
- subversion 1.3.1 problems with command line tools
- Subversion 1.3.2 released.
- Subversion 2.0
- Subversion Access using "http" method
- subversion client question...
- subversion do not save filesystem permission... (fwd)
- Subversion File Checkout Error
- Subversion for graduation thesis / documents
- subversion gui for linux
- subversion installation problem
- Subversion installation.
- Subversion layout for embedded development
- Subversion mod_authz_svn, AuthzSVNAccessFile and LDAP groups
- Subversion participating in Google's summer of code
- Subversion Plugin for TOAD or SQLNavigator
- Subversion Ruby Bindings for Windows (Win32).
- Subversion scalability
- subversion tunnels and userv
- Subversion with Eclipse: directory structure
- subversion+apache2+ssl
- Subversion/Workflow
- SVN 1.3.1 - command line options ignored
- Svn 1.3.1 and apache 2.0.58 on Windows XP
- Svn and Client Certs?
- SVN apache2 modules can't find subversion
- SVN Browser/Management Application...
- svn co, but unreadable subdirs
- svn copy <URL> <URL> differs between win and unix
- svn copy oddness
- SVN corrupted revision.
- svn died for good mid-command...
- SVN Dreamweaver extensions
- svn gui for web browsers
- svn ignore?
- svn list slow with http: but not with file:
- svn log timestamp bug?
- svn makes server security holes?
- svn merge with revision argument "committed"
- SVN Mirroring - Multiple Readonly host - 1 Master that handles writes
- SVN Notify - Windows
- SVN on NAS?
- svn on the Mac
- svn propset svn:externals
- svn server performance?!
- svn: Can't create tunnel: The system cannot find the file specified.
- SVN: Checksum mismatch problem
- svn:eol-type set to native... still getting UNIX EOL on windows
- svn:externals and spaces
- svnadmin dump warning
- svnadmin: Can't read length line in file ...
- svnadmin: Malformed representation header
- svnadmin: Revision file lacks trailing newline
- svnlook output
- SVNParentPath
- SVNPath and UNC paths
- SVNServe and Repositories
- SVNService will not run(MS Server 2000 )
- fails for SVN HEAD
- sync remote subversion sites
- synchonizing two Subversion repositories
- Syntax for Multiple Property Keywords
- Temporarily stash all .svn directories
- Text to Binary
- The version resource does not correspond to the resource within the transaction.
- Time Zone Stamp from User?
- TortoiseSVN Crashes SvnServe
- Tracking a file's name history
- Trouble installing subversion 1.3.1 on SuSe 9.3
- Typeo -
- Unable to access repository, please help...
- Unable to checkout a project I don;t have locally from svnserve using Subclipse or TortoiseSVN from outside my network
- Unable to make a tag using svn copy
- Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
- unsub
- Update Repository
- Update/Checkout fails
- Upgrade from 1.3 to 1.3.3 issues?
- Upgrading to 1.3.1 from 1.2.1
- Urgent, Bug!!
- URL case insensitivity vs SVN case sensitivity
- use svn list to show only directories
- user account renamming/changing access way
- user account renomming/changing access way
- user management with no root access
- Uses too-old expat on QNX 6.3.2
- using AuthzSVNAccessFile without repository
- Using Subversion with Visual Studio .NET
- Using SVK to synchronize tow subversion repositories
- Using svn in a unix pipe
- UTF-8 characters in Linux files
- Version control for databases
- ViewVC Setup Issue
- Visual studio project cannot be merged - by a newbie
- WARNING(virus check bypassed): Repos on Linux (RH9), want to view offline on Windows
- Way to create change sets?
- way to manage external code
- way to manage external code)
- Way to not commit changes to a file?
- Web Client that can commit
- What am I doing wrong
- What to do when disk is nearly full
- what's up with
- Why do updated files come in "random" order?
- Why do Virus Scanners hate Subversion
- Why doesn't svn use /tmp for temporary files ?
- Why doesn't svn use /tmp for temporary files ? (subversion: message 1 of 10)
- Why doesn't svn use /tmp for temporary files ? (subversion: message 5 of 10)
- Why doesn't svn use /tmp for temporary files ? 1 of 10)
- Why doesn't svn use /tmp for temporary files ? 1 of 10) (subversion: message 4 of 10)
- WinCVS instead of Tortoise SVN??? Is it possible?
- Windows - Integrated Active Directory authentication
- Windows Subversion + Apache + TortoiseSVN + SVN::Notify HOWTO
- Working Copy repair
- Working with different versions of subversion on different machines
- zlib.dsp corrupted
[Subversion] ·
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