I've read this paragraph:
The support that exists for externals definitions in
Subversion today can be a little misleading, though. [...]
Third, the working copies created via the externals
definition support are still disconnected from the
primary working copy (on whose versioned directories
the svn:externals property was actually set). And
Subversion still only truly operates on non-disjoint
working copies.
Because commits don't span disjoint working copies I think the following
problem cannot be solved easily.
The repository is organized this way:
+ project001
+ trunk
+ branches
+ 1.0
+ 6.3
+ project900
+ trunk
+ branches
+ 1.0
+ 7.5
I hope I'm being clear... Now the problem is that users don't have
enough room on their account to check out *all* projects. They still
need to checkout *many* projects, and they also need to commit atomic
changes to these different projects. The projects are indeed loosely
related, but they're still related; for example an API change in
project001 might imply changes in project002, project005 and project456,
and these changes are directly related to the change in project001, so
we would like a single commit for all these changes.
How would you handle this situation? Is there any solution I'm missing?
Would you reorganize the project layout in the repository? How?
I've read this thread in the archive:
The problem is that users don't have enough room on their account to
check out the whole repository.
Dimitri Papadopoulos
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Received on Mon May 22 18:38:42 2006