On May 30, 2006, at 22:36, bruce wrote:
> i have a repository with a number of folders, each of which contains a
> number of files. if i use the svn ability to restrict user rights
> regarding
> the files, are the rights that i assign to the given folders/files
> maintained by the SVN client apps (tortise?).
> i'm curious to know if the access rights that i assign to a given
> user are
> obeyed/maintained by the given client application...
If you set up access restrictions using authz or svnperms, then those
are set up on the server. Actions of clients accessing the server
will be restricted as per the instructions you set on the server.
Users cannot circumvent server access restrictions -- unless users
have access to the server on which the repository is hosted. As in,
if a user can ssh to the repository server and copy the entire
repository to a location under their control, then they can remove
any access restrictions you put in place. So if you intend to
restrict users' access to the repository, the users must not be able
to access the repository files directly on the repository server.
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Received on Wed May 31 14:39:20 2006