The new release of RapidSVN is out. This release works with Subversion
1.0.0 and newer. Features of newer version of Subversion are used if
available (e.g. locks).
Windows installer:
MD5 9d8e7efb1c81e3b429d81c78a2124f1b
Mac OS/X disk image:
MD5 a03318300a4926889f5e79172a6f0df5
Source tarball:
MD5 f52e7cdb233abf8c56ff21ee0cf268c4
Binary packages for different Linux/Unix distributions will follow
(depends on external contributions).
This is the excerpt of the CHANGES file for this release:
User-visible changes
* 305 New: Display changes in directories
* 362 New: Improve menu accessibility in localizations
* 363 New: Run all actions in the background
* 367 New: Allow multiple targets for copy and move
* 372 New: Add French translation
* 171 Fixed: svn_path_join: Assertion `is_canonical (base, blen)'
* 176 Fixed: Repository name with Accent
* 215 Fixed: Double click on a directory doesn't work
* 306 Fixed: Recursive Add on a folder causes the navigation to stop
* 333 Fixed: make error if xsl-stylesheets arent found
* 358 Fixed: Invalid shell syntax in
* 364 Fixed: Mac+GTK: Update, etc very vers slow
* 366 Fixed: Improve sorting
* 371 Fixed: Execution is too slow compared to command-line SVN
* 375 Fixed: Delete folder does not work
* 379 Fixed: Export doesn't work - wrong parameter format
* 380 Fixed: Action canceling with button causes disfunctionality
* 381 Fixed: 'Refresh View' updates file list and hides it
* 382 Fixed: rapidsvn: Assertion `is_canonical (path->data,
path->len)' failed
* 383 Fixed: Rapid forgets that action is running if try to start
the second one
* 384 Fixed: First character omitted from repos folders
* 386 Fixed: Diretory names truncated with svn://
* 387 Fixed: Cannot create a directory directly in repository
* 388 Fixed: Cannot create a new tag
* 389 Fixed: Directories shown empty when "Refresh with update"
* 393 Fixed: No SSL support in multithreaded Rapid
* 394 Fixed: Compile error with wxGTK 2.4.2
* 395 Fixed: 'Refresh View' invalid behaviour towards actions
* 396 Fixed: Filelist or/and folder browser not updated after
* 397 Fixed: Directory names sometimes not shown in repository
* 398 Fixed: Context menu doesn't hide when it has to
* 399 Fixed: Diff window controls activate inappropriately
* 400 Fixed: Repository Bookmark shows incorrect names
* 401 Fixed: Urls and paths displayed incorrectly in file info
* 403 Fixed: Copying current directory to its child not forbidden
Developer-visible changes
* 376 New: Add hideable menu tests for debugging
* 357 Fixed: doc/manpages/rapidsvn.xml not included in distribution
* 359 Fixed: ´make dist´ fails in packages/os
* 365 Fixed: "make dist" fails if cppunit is not installed
Work in progress (not completed)
* 402 Improve interface accesibility (tabs, default buttons etc)
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Received on Fri May 19 17:09:05 2006