Re: rsync and .svn directory hiding
From: Patrick Johnson <>
Date: 2006-05-22 23:53:17 CEST
At 2:12 PM -0600 5/22/06, Bob Proulx wrote:
Thanks Bob. I hadn't though of rsync. That may come in handy.
The problem with export or rsync for the normal workflow case is that GoLive is also the editor for the html and php files (in addition to providing site management functions like what pages link to this file, what files have errors, update changed files on the web server, etc.) GoLive is the IDE I am working in much of the time, and, for the most part, GoLive ignores the .svn directories, and can coexist peacefully with Subversion, since it incrementally tracks the changes it is making to files and never rescans the directory or notices the .svn stuff. However, if it gets out of sync with the directory (e.g. if you manipulate files from outside the IDE, which is sometimes necessary) you need to do a "refresh" to rescan all of the files. That's where the .svn directories cause the trouble.
The Perl script is for temporarily "stashing" the .svn stuff where GoLive can't see it. The directories are only stashed for the one operation, then quickly replaced after the GoLive tree scan. It would work for bulk file edits, or anything else that scans the directory tree where you want to temporarily hide the .svn info. It's quicker (and possibly riskier) than an rsync or export since it only renames the .svn directories to a parallel tree and doesn't have to copy any files.
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