Hi to all,
I have converted and loaded a project from CVS to SVN and is all ok.
Now I want to convert an other project from my CVS and load it into SVN
in the same parent directory of the first project but, when i use the
svnadmin load command, I have this error
<<< Started new transaction, based on original revision 1
* adding path : wildjava.org/trunk ...svnadmin: File already
exists: filesy
stem 'C:/svnrepos/wildjava.org/db', transaction '27-1', path
The command that I have used is:
svnadmin --parent-dir wildjava.org load C:\svnrepos\wildjava.org
How can do it?
Ing. Francesco Dalan
M.B.M. Italia S.r.l. Via Pellizzo 14/A 35128 Padova
Tel. +39.49.8995731 Fax +39.49.8995722 Cell. +39.348.3675906
E-mail : f.dalan@mbm.it <mailto:f.dalan@mbm.it>
Received on Mon May 29 09:18:25 2006