Subversion Users
- "Folder exists" with
- "must be ancestrally related"
- "svn commit" and EDITOR=gedit
- "target path does not exist" error when merging (svn 1.5.x)
- "The system cannot find the file specified" during update
- --ignore-externals by default
- 1.5 clients can't authenticate to 1.4.6 Server
- 1.5.3 svnsync fails with "207 Multi-Status"
- 501 Method Not Implemented
- [bug?] wrong access rights for newly created sharded directory.
- [BUG] subversion branch 1.5 fail on ssh+svn with authz configuration on the repository
- [Solved] Getting pre-lock hooks only to process actual SVN client LOCKS requests
- \'Object of the same name already exists\'; so autoskip the object?
- about populate-node-origins-index
- Access rights based on groups
- Access rights on root folder
- AD authentication for SVN
- Adding anonymous read only access from one IP address
- Advice about reports packages
- After upgrade to 1.5.2, browser version still says 1.4.3
- ambiguous svn cp result
- Announce: PySVN 1.6.2 - binary kits built against SVN 1.5.3 and 1.4.6
- Announce: PySVN WorkBench 1.5.6 - built against SVN 1.5.3 and 1.4.6
- Any plans for write-through proxy support in svnserve?
- appending pattern to all directories with
- auth baton for non-interactive libsvn client
- authorization failed (debian, apache https ssl)
- Bad link in FAQ - can someone please edit it?
- Beginner Topology Help Required
- Best solution for managing user access via SASL
- Blank log message
- Broken Working Copy.
- Browsing via HTTPS needs authentication
- Bryan sent you a friend request on Tagged :)
- Bug with deleted and copied directory
- Bug: Checkout modifies the "Modify Time" of the file
- Bug: and python 3.0rc1
- BUG? Merging from foreign repository corrupts UUID
- Building Subversion for multiple architetures.
- caching proxy between a svn client and a server ?
- cadence data management with subversion
- Can I convince svn 1.5 that a random directory is really a branch off of trunk?
- can i have a free, intro svn slide show, please? :-)
- Can I just check out the directory and not the files?
- Can't commit "out of date" file, but "svn update" won't fix it
- Can't convert string from native encoding to 'UTF-8'
- Can't move 'Utilities/gdcmjpeg/.svn/dir-props' to 'Utilities/gdcmjpeg/.svn/dir-prop-base': No such file or directory
- cannot copy broken symlink
- Change a file's repository path?
- checkout by date gives wrong version of repo
- Checkout trunk revisions of projects in a multi project repo?
- Checksum errors in dump command
- cleanup failed
- Client Context not working for Commits
- commit later
- commit problem with 1.4.2 (r22196)
- commit problem with 1.4.2 (r22196) [solved, bugworthy?]
- adds spurious From "email@domain.tld" line
- Committing new files to (write-through proxy) slave repo fails - 400 Bad Request
- Common hookscripts for several repositories
- Conceptual branching bug?
- Conceptual question about several users using the same "local repository"
- configure is no longer inlcuded in
- contextual merge
- Continuous Integration Question
- Copying repositories
- Corrupt Revision
- corruption in fsfs binary file svnadmin: Checksum mismatch,
- could i create a file link or drectory link to another repository?
- Creating and using child repositories of repositories which contain externals.
- cvs2svn
- deleted file breaks uploading of new files
- deleted file breaks uploading of new files [SOLVED]
- Delivering the Subversion OSX Universal binary as a Framework
- Difference in behavior 1.4.3 to 1.5.x resulting in "Cannot replace a directory from within"
- Diffing a moved file can fail
- disabling commit for tagging
- Disabling keyword expansion for 'svn diff' on command line
- doing a massive EOL normalization for a small group of users?
- Downloading SVN command-line client binaries for Windows
- Entering the password 6 times for svn log?
- Error at updating
- Error Message apr_hash_clear after update
- Error when creating tags from working copy
- Error: No such revision -error
- Everything stopped working in SVN Server
- externals and date?
- externals and merge
- externals and sparse directories
- Feature suggestion: blame property changes
- File Content Type/Executablitiy?
- fixed: regression in mergeinfo-aware merges against 1.5.3
- force use internal diff in command line?
- Fwd: how to get the original repository when my server change ip address
- Fwd: Subversion Performance
- Fwd: svn co issue
- garbled dso error on loading mod_dav_svn from Collabnet...
- getting a few information on the last repositories changes
- Hardware Requirements for Subversion Setup.
- Having problems dumping and loading projects from SVN 1.4.2 to 1.5.2. Need Help!
- help with svn setup on linux
- Hooks
- How can I build subversion which include 'http' support?
- How can i display all the file changes in a single revision on command line?
- how can I recover my rep. from "Malformed svndiff data in representatioN"?
- How can i setup subversion directory permission to ensure safety?
- How do I determine a repository version
- How do I know the server is tracking merges
- How do i make svn repository read only?
- How should I do to return it to the state before wc is changed?
- How to add Commit comments to files
- how to auto-version a bunch of externals?
- How to backup all Repositories in a Directory?
- How to correct "containing working copy admin area is missing" error?
- How to find whether an subversion element is a directory or file
- how to get the original repository when my server change ip address
- How to lock repository for automated build purposes?
- How to show the "svn diff" output graphically in context of a directory tree
- How would I diagnose "Mergeinfo for '...' maps to an empty revision range" ?
- HP-UX Install problem
- HPUX 11.11 Subversion 1.5.2 Bug
- identify deleted file
- ignoring filenames with spaces
- improving subversion treatment of compressed XML/text file formats
- In regards to "missing db/revs, db/revprops and db/current files?" post on Collabnet
- Incorrect svn:mergeinfo properties
- install svn 1.5.3 on solaris 9
- Is a two step commit possible?
- Is it okay to reset the clock on a Subversion server?
- Is subversion 1.5.1 backward compatible with subversion 1.4.3
- Is SVN case sensitive? Issue after renaming directories.
- Is there a repo/workspace mapping in SVN just like Perforce's client spec?
- John Asplin/HE/HORIBA is out of the office.
- Keeping stuff out of my repository?
- Know before downloading trunk how many files I'm going to download.
- Make fails to embed using libtool with -Ltrue/lib
- Mapping repositories to ports
- MarkMail indexing lists
- Merge a single changeset
- Merge problems on large repository with many copies
- Merge tracking bug?
- Merging and Sparse Checkouts
- Merging non-versioned directory into versioned one
- Merging two branches
- migration problems
- mod_dav_svn from openCollabNet OS X subversion 1.5.1-2 on OS X 10.5.4 with Apache fails to load
- Moving files from one repository to another
- Need help in compiling subversion python binding
- netbeans client
- Newbie question: adding directories and files
- Newbie question: properties conflict on file
- No warning when merging a file when the target file is missing.
- non-LF line endings in log message
- non-recursive-add isn't that useful? why is there no ".svn" folder in there? why can't I add more files?
- Noob: how to get a directory tree's latest revision?
- NTLM lookup within hook script
- Observation on tagging partial trees with different rev levels.
- omit externals of externals
- One source code structure but two SVN repositories
- Opening up a second port to an instance of Subversion
- Permanently failures during commit process ... when adding new files.
- Permission Denied Error while trying to import.
- Please help me
- Post commit hook when a new tag is created
- pre-checkout , post-checkout hooks
- Problem building Subversion on RHEL-5
- problem for access to Subversion
- Problem using subversion on a large repository
- Problem with "Skipped missing target" after a merge
- Problem with svn:ignore, possibly Vista related?
- Problematic post-commit-hook / svnlook diff size
- Propfind 207 Multi-Status error when diffing file revisions.
- Pruning out old revisions?
- Python subversion 1.5 binding
- query on svn copy
- Question about
- question about interaction between merge and sparse working copies
- question about svn check out
- Question on svn authentication
- Question: How to generate access statistics?
- Quick svnadmin dump question
- RA layer request failed (Xcode)
- Recommended process for initializing merge-tracking on existing repository
- recovering the lost svn history on deleting files and adding them at a new location on the same svn server
- Release Management
- Reliablilty of FSFS on MS Windows network shared drives
- Repository browsing
- Repository corruption? - Missing but not missing but version is "?"
- Repository Dump/Delete/Load Log History Issue (maybe)
- request: Subversion internals consultant.
- Restore of directory from repository does not remove local, unversioned file
- Retrieval of mergeinfo unsupported
- Run time Issues
- sasl and encrypted passwords
- Script:
- search for properties
- segmentation fault when moving a directory with --parents option.
- segmentation fault with --parents option
- selective authz does not work with apache module
- setting config-dir when export
- shared network drive
- Show log
- Show log - Item is not readable error
- show log issue
- singl file checkout
- Slow commit when repository on network drive
- Special Character Inconsistencies
- ssl-trust-default-ca
- Static binaries for Subversion 1.5.4
- Strange error
- Strange issue
- Strange update behavior (depth bug?)
- Subversion 1.5.2 problem with libexpat
- Subversion 1.5.3 Released
- Subversion 1.5.3 Win32 Installer Released
- Subversion 1.5.4 Merge Issue Out of Memory Running on AIX 5.3
- Subversion 1.5.4 Released
- Subversion authenitcation with Siteminder
- Subversion backup recommendation
- Subversion Client on Solaris 8
- Subversion First-class Labels
- subversion on NFS
- Subversion Performance
- Subversion service records? (Was: Mapping repositories to ports)
- subversion tests failure
- subversion trac apache ldap
- subversion workflow...
- Subversion, xinetd, and "Malformed network data"
- svn 1.5.2 - does not want to import files of type .so or .a
- SVN Access Manager
- svn annotate does not work because: "skipping binary file", but on non-binary file
- SVN binding with Haskell
- Svn checkout authentification
- Svn client ignoring umask
- SVN Client Upgrade
- Svn co - exit code 128
- svn co issue
- svn commit: Permission denied (??)
- svn config file and mime types
- svn copy fails (was Script:
- svn cp treats filename as directory name
- Svn cygwin issues
- svn info outout element "Path" differs
- svn info sometimes gives repository info and sometimes not
- svn log and date range
- svn merge fails "Out of memory - terminating application." or Tortoise runtime error
- svn merge vs
- SVN merge, Error: File not found: revision
- svn operations (update) fails very often
- svn post-commit hook - forking a process
- svn propget hangs
- SVN repository possible race condition
- svn switch: Cannot replace a directory from within
- SVN upgrade problem.
- svn version
- svn web-based app
- svn-win32-1.5.1 to svn-win32-1.5.2
- svn.exe add with svn 1.5.2
- SVN/Apache Logging
- svn/hudson: How hudson get email address for notification?
- svn: Can't get exclusive lock on file 'XXX/rev-lock': Invalid argument
- svn: Can't open '/my_rep/db/txn-current.tmp': Permission denied
- svn: Item is not readable
- svn: Working copy path 'X/Y/Z' does not exist in repository
- doesn't ignore the files it should
- svnadmin dump question
- svnadmin upgrade
- svnadmin verify - Inconsistent Operation
- svnlook author does not work on Subversion 1.5.3, RPMforge installed on RHEL 5, breaks svnperms.conf with svn+ssh
- svnlook propget encoding error for Chinese Log
- doesn't work on Windows
- svnserve creates many child process
- svnserve sasl authentication with mysql user table
- svnserve.conf include mechanism
- Te invito a ver mi metroFLOG
- test
- Traceability of svn log
- Treat a symbolic link as a file
- truMerge, a tree-conflict aware merge helper tool
- TSVN error question
- Unable to selectively restrict access in authz
- update --dry-run (again) [Was: Know before downloading trunk how many files I'm going to download.]
- Updating a WC in the post-commit fails
- Upgrade (Windows) repository and server from 1.3.x to 1.5.x
- Upgrade svn repository from 1.4.6 to 1.5.4?
- Upgrading Subversion
- URL keyword replaced with escapes
- URL of a SVN-repos
- User management
- VisualSVN Server 1.6 Released
- web based document management app
- Weird merge behavior - extra files 'touched'
- Weird merge issue
- what is subversion
- Where does Subversion keep the initial version of a file after the initial commit?
- Windows drive letter in svn+ssh path
- working from two machines
- Write-through proxy issue with libneon.
- Zombie files prevent me from re-adding deleted file
- ç«çƒˆé¸Ÿå‘您推è厂价直销鞋
[Subversion] ·
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