On Oct 9, 2008, at 04:44, Engebakken Geir wrote:
> We are setting up Subversion with several repositories for several
> development systems, for instance 1 for all our java prosjects and
> one for all our cobol development ++
> We want to implement some initial hookscripts, and I presume that
> more will come, some functionality in the hookscripts will be
> common for all repositories, but others will be adapted individually.
> To avoid having to maintain many parallell scripts I would like to
> find a way to, for instance use symbolic links to a common
> directory for all hook scripts,
No problem in doing that; I do that for my repositories' hooks
> but then again how would I differentiate between the different
> repositories? Are there some best practices around for this
> scenario? Any ideas?
You want to have the same hook scripts for all repositories, but
still differentiate between the repositories in the hook scripts? I'm
not sure if there's a way to get the repository name from within a
hook script. You may have to write individual hook scripts which do
the things that you want to be unique for each repository, and then
from those you can call a common script to do the parts you want to
be the same across all repositories.
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Received on 2008-10-10 06:27:45 CEST