We have used "CABIE" (Continuous Automated Build Integration
Environment) with great success. Here is the EMail of Eric Wallengren,
who created this app:
Best Regards,
Joseph H. Dayney | Software Engineer | RR Donnelley
630W 1000N | Logan, UT 84321 | (: 435-755-4278 | 801-453-5015 |È:
435-770-7244 | Ê: 435-755-4210 | *: joseph.h.dayney_at_rrd.com
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"bruce" <bedouglas_at_earthlink.net>
10/16/2008 09:15 AM
Continuous Integration Question
In doing some research, I've come across various apps that deal with the
concept of Continuous Integration/Software Production Management, which
apparently is the process of being able to manage the process of
creating/developing/building/testing/releasing projects/apps using
repositories/build processes/etc... The CI/SPM process, also apparently
allows for the implementation of workflow processes/procedures for
the various apps/projects while being developed.
I've got a project in mind, that's going to require lots of little python
apps that will need to be developed/built/tested/run multiple times, and
be recreated for each semester. (the apps deal with course schedules for
colleges). Subversion would of course be the repository of choice, and
it appears that a number of the CI type of apps I've seen use SVN, I
that I'd see if anyone here has actually used/implemented a CI/SPM system,
and what your thoughts are.
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