Subversion 1.5.3 (OS Windows 2003 server) - build server
Tortoise SVN 1.5.4 (OS Win XP) - working copy of trunk
Created a branch from trunk.
Plan to do merges only from branch to trunk, and not vice versa.
So used svn merge and not svn merge --reintegrate
Created a working copy from a project in trunk.
Merged a particular file "reference-tables-script.sql" from branch. Used
"Test merge" option of Tortoise SVN.
Got following error.
On trunk when I do a listing of revision history I do not see revision
Only see revision 258, followed by 847, and above.
Branch too shows the same.
Error message
Command: Merging revisions 1-HEAD of
ndationDataDesign/DDL Scripts/reference-tables-script.sql into
C:\Documents and Settings\ABhardwa\My
Scripts\reference-tables-script.sql, respecting ancestry, Test Only
Error: File not found: revision 846, path
'/FoundationDataDesign/trunk/DDL Scripts/reference-tables-script.sql'
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