Concerning Re: Downloading SVN command-line cl
Andy Levy wrote on 16 Oct 2008, 9:50, at least in part:
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 08:49, Jesper <> wrote:
[text is snipped]
> > I went to and clicked Windows
> > binaries. I was given 5 options:
> >
> > 1) CollabNet (Certified binaries)
> > 2) Apache 2.0
> > 3) Apache 2.2
> > 4) SlikSVN: 32 and 64 bit client MSI
> > 5) VisualSVN (VisualSVN Server)
[text is snipped]
> The builds on include both client and server components,
> and different versions are required for Apache 2.0 vs. Apache 2.2, so
> a clear distinction is made.
Better than calling names would be a suggestion of how nos. 2&3
could be made more intuitive for the first time visitor, e.g. "includes
modules for Apache 2.0 and 2.2 resp.". Of course this would cost
a little bit more bandwidth for the newbies who haven't bookmarked
the real download page yet.
> The links are provided on the front page. The packages do document
> what's included with them. Your own stubbornness (see above, refusing
> to sign up for a free account w/ CollabNet, screwing around with the
AFAIK the binaries include i.a. Apache, so just the stuff
the OP exactly didn't want. And he wanted plain binaries, not an
installer that might or might not fiddle with the configuration of his
> pre-packaged MSI, not reading the documentation) resulted in it taking
> an hour.
[text is snipped]
Jan Hendrik
Freedom quote:
It's time we asked ourselves if we still know the freedoms
intended for us by the Founding Fathers.
James Madison said, 'We base all our experiments
on the capacity of mankind for self-government.'
This idea that government was beholden to the people,
that it had no other source of power,
is still the newest, most unique idea
in all the long history of man's relation to man.
-- Ronald Reagan
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Received on 2008-10-17 10:42:11 CEST