i have found a bug when creating tags from working copy in svn 1.5.2 (and
also 1.5.3). Here is a recipe how to reproduce the error:
(my apache is configured to host the repositories in E:\SVNRep)
svn --version
>svn, version 1.5.2 (r32768)
svnadmin create E:\SVNRep\repo
mkdir E:\Data
svn co http://myserver/svn/repo E:\Data\wc
>Checked out revision 0.
mkdir E:\Data\wc\tags
mkdir E:\Data\wc\trunk
mkdir E:\Data\wc\trunk\dir
copy D:\nul E:\Data\wc\trunk\dir\file.cpp
> 1 file(s) copied.
svn add E:\Data\wc\t*
>A E:\Data\wc\tags
>A E:\Data\wc\trunk
>A E:\Data\wc\trunk\dir
>A E:\Data\wc\trunk\dir\file.cpp
svn ci -m"test" E:\Data\wc
>Adding Data\wc\tags
>Adding Data\wc\trunk
>Adding Data\wc\trunk\dir
>Adding Data\wc\trunk\dir\file.cpp
>Transmitting file data .
>Committed revision 1.
echo "ABC" >>E:\Data\wc\trunk\dir\file.cpp
svn ci -m"test" E:\Data\wc
>Sending Data\wc\trunk\dir\file.cpp
>Transmitting file data .
>Committed revision 2.
svn copy -m"tagging" E:\Data\wc\trunk http://myserver/svn/repo/tags/V1.0.0
>svn: Commit failed (details follow):
>svn: File '/svn/repo/tags/V1.0.0/dir/file.cpp' already exists
This error message is absolutely wrong! I investigated what went wrong and
found the following: after the commit action the working copy is not updated
correctly(?). The changed file "file.cpp" gets a new revision (2), but its
parent directory "dir" stays at revision 1. Is this ok?
svn info E:\Data\wc\trunk\dir\file.cpp
>Path: E:\Data\wc\trunk\dir\file.cpp
>Name: file.cpp
>URL: http://myserver/svn/repo/trunk/dir/file.cpp
>Revision: 2
>Last Changed Rev: 2
svn info E:\Data\wc\trunk\dir
>Path: E:\Data\wc\trunk\dir
>URL: http://myserver/svn/repo/trunk/dir
>Revision: 1
>Last Changed Rev: 1
If i update the working copy ("E:\Data\wc\trunk\dir" is then at revision 2)
and try to tag afterwards, it works. It also works, if i use the
http://myserver notation for both parameters and it works if i access my
repository with a file:/// notation. Subversion 1.5.0 did not have this
Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance,
Received on 2008-10-10 09:33:13 CEST