Subclipse Users
- "Entry already exists" Msg after refactoring package across projects - WS to WS same repository
- 2 ClassCastExceptions importing preferences
- 2 ClassCastExceptions importing preferences)
- [Fwd: like recovering a labeled revision (directory and files)?]
- [PATCH] Chinese localization for Subclipse-0.9.100
- [PATCH] Chinese ResourceBundle for Subclipse-0.9.36
- [PATCH] irregal encoding
- [Subclipse-dev] AW: Subclipse 0.9.37 Released
- add to svn:ignore creates unexpected layout in Synchronize view (see screen shot)
- after merge accept theirs is false
- again: overwriting resource -> deleted and not modified
- Attempted commit to a file:/// repository leaves files locked
- Authentication on WSAD 5.1.0 and Subclipse
- auto-props in subclipse
- Automatically set keywords on new files
- AW: [Subclipse-dev] AW: Subclipse 0.9.37 Released
- AW: AW: problem with svnant using https
- AW: problem with svnant using https
- Blog entry about Subclipse
- Branching
- BUG - Subclipse plugin for Eclipse hangs with 99% CPU if using JavaHL
- BUG: NPE on syncronization
- Bug: update of project containing non controlled files.
- bug? Deleting a file while another user changes it
- Can I see who has a file locked within Eclipse (Part 2)
- Cancelling a checkout does not work
- Commit error on moving packages between repository
- Connecting to existing repository?
- Copy and Paste issue
- corrupted working copy
- Creating a Branch/Tag
- Decorators for Unversioned Resources
- Enhancement SvnAnt
- enhancement: copy to... in svn repository browser
- enhancement: prevent mark-resolved with conflicts
- Error when restarting Eclipse
- Feature request: Allow right click to set svn:ignore in commit dialog
- Feature request: Current checkout behaviour
- Fixed error in SVN Resource History view
- Has anyone noticed that the conflict editor in subclipse does note refresh after some conflicts have been addressed
- How can I checkin a eclipse to subversion
- How I recover an erased directory?
- How to check in global project settings.
- How to remove a versioned file from version control without deleting it.
- How well does branch merge work?
- Install/Config help needed...
- Invalid SVN repository location format: 'null'.
- Key Bindings
- Label Decoration not Updating Correctly
- libsvnjavahl & svnant on solaris
- like recovering a labeled revision (directory and files)?
- Merge problems
- missing resource icon
- New Subclipse release - feedback on user/password change
- New Subclipse release coming (was: Decorators for Unversioned Resources)
- Notification of Limited Account Access(Routing Code:4C840-L001-Q190-T1836)
- NPE exception when trying to commit files
- NPE in SVNNotificationHandler.getAbsoluteFile()
- NPE in
- plans to provide key board/mouse shortcuts
- plans to restore deleted files from subclipse and provide context menu for affected paths in dir rev history
- problem report
- problem with svnant using https
- Problems w/Team->Update
- Question: Class name change under subclipse
- Removing entries from svn:ignore
- repository root URL - what?
- Repository View - Revision numbers
- Repository View - Revision numbers (
- Request for subclipse export command
- resource history view unusable
- setting properties on multiple files
- Shortcut key configuration
- ssh implementation is bogus
- status indicators for container resources do not show when child resources are outside version control?
- Subclipse 0.9.37 Released
- Subclipse 0.9.37 ussues on Eclipse 3.2
- subclipse as part of eclipse sdk?
- Subclipse error
- subclipse exception
- Subclipse loses connection to repository
- subclipse svn repository access issue.
- Subclipse Tag/Switch bug?
- suggestion: to provide icon for projects with new files
- Svn Warnings, and
- svn+scheme must equal svn+ssh constraint
- svnant checkout doesn't allow nested filesets?
- SVNANT: Getting revision number on checkout?
- Team->Override & Update equivalent for Subclipse
- Tool tips... last desperate attempt.
- Unsupported Feature?
- Upgrading loses svn decorators
- Using FSFS repository from Eclipse.
- weird issue with sync view
[Subversion] ·
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