I'm using subclipse 0.9.37 with Eclipse 3.1.0 on Windows XP. Here is
the problem:
1. checkout a project
2. act as another user, modify a file Bar.java and commit it.
3. delete Bar.java and synchronize, it finds a conflict which is correct.
4. copy the content of Bar.java from the other user, save the file.
We should mark it as merged but the "mark as merged" command is grayed out.
At the same time the icon of Bar.java in the Synchronize window shows
that it is now an incoming change instead of a conflict.
5. to get the incoming change, update the project. It seems to succeed.
There is no error, but the incoming change (Bar.java) remains in the
Synchronize window. The filename changes from "Bar.java (6)" [assuming
the version is 6] to "Bar.java (BASE)". Basically there is no way to
get rid of this incoming change.
6. In the Package Explorer, there is a red cross in the icon for
Bar.java, indicating something is wrong. However, choosing "Team |
Mark as resolved" can NOT remove the red cross.
7. make further changes to Bar.java and perform a synchronize. It
says "no change found".
Here is the console output:
checkout -r HEAD file:///c:/repo/prj/trunk
A C:/workspace/SVNTest/Bar.java
U C:/workspace/SVNTest
Checked out revision 5.
delete --force C:/workspace/SVNTest/Bar.java
D C:/workspace/SVNTest/Bar.java
update -r 6 -N C:/workspace/SVNTest/Bar.java
G C:/workspace/SVNTest/Bar.java
Updated to revision 6.
===== File Statistics: =====
Merged: 1
resolved C:/workspace/SVNTest/Bar.java
Received on Sun Nov 6 15:03:36 2005