"Stefan Kiendl" <stefan.kiendl@gmx.net> wrote on 11/03/2005 04:48:57 PM:
> > This is not a problem, it is a message that gets logged in the error
> > log but has no known side effects.
> The side effect is, that subclipse doesn't work. All my projects are
> as not if they would be not shared. Seldom they are shared, but mostly
> Very annoying.
I think you are wrong. Everyone gets this message, including me. It does
not cause any problems. This message has been appearing in the console
for at least the last 10 releases.
> > My best guess is that it just takes our plugin longer to initialize
> > client adapters then Eclipse wants to wait. I found that if I changed
> > code around in the SVNOutputConsole then it just moved the same
> > to some place else.
> Any idea, what i could have done to cause this?
You didn't do anything. It is just the time it takes our plugin to
initialize. If you search the Eclipse bugzilla for 5000ms it looks like
virtually every Eclipse plugin has had this problem since they moved to
OSGI. I have not found one that gives any definitive ideas for how they
fixed it. It seems to be that they just made their plugin do less during
initialization so that it would start. For Subclipse. my guess is that we
would have to defer initializing our adapters which would probably mean a
lot of code reworking. I took a quick look at it earlier but it got
messy. If someone wants to tackle it be my guest.
The best approach would probably be to try to just initialize the adapter
the user has selected in the preferences, and then initialize the others
when the user opens the preferences. Just a guess. Of course it is
possible that even this way our plugin would still take too long to
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Received on Fri Nov 4 08:57:53 2005