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Re: AW: problem with svnant using https

From: Aaron Digulla <digulla_at_hepe.com>
Date: 2005-11-07 19:29:32 CET

Heinzelmann, Tobias wrote:
>> Let me guess: You need a username and password for your proxy?
> Hmmm... no, the proxy is without authentication...

Interesting. Well, when you google for the exact error message, you'll
get the java source which prints the message

In there, it tries to connect to the proxy and prints the message if
something fails. I wonder why the errorText is null, though. Maybe the
proxy returns a warning instead of 200?

>> I have the same problem. Does Subclipse use the proxy settings from
> Eclipse? If so, you should also copy the code which pops up the
>> password requester if the proxy needs that.
> I'm not sure if I unterstand you correctly, you mean, adding the login
> params as properties?

ISVNProxyManager is resonsible to return a username and a password.

In Eclipse, when you do an update over a proxy which requests a username
and password, a dialog window will come up (once) and ask you.

My guess is that this is missing in the JavaSVN code.

But from what you say, we probably have two different problems here;
they are just in the same place in the code.

Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla a.k.a. Philmann Dark
"It's not the universe that's limited, it's our imagination.
Follow me and I'll show you something beyond the limits."
Received on Tue Nov 8 05:29:32 2005

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