Subversion Users
- "400 Bad Request" on commit (mod_dav_svn)
- "Couldn't open rep-cache database" (post commit FS processing)
- "Invalid authz configuration" verbose?
- "svn commit" does not work with SVNParentPath in location and 1.7-client (HTTPv2)
- "svn update" does not work with SVNParentPath in location and 1.7-client (HTTPv2)
- (no subject)
- ..
- 1.7.1 working copies - verification
- 1.7.1, Build 22161 line 672: assertion failed (checksum != NULL)
- 1.7.1: E200033: database is locked, executing statement 'RELEASE s0'
- 1st checkout of my life => network connection closed unexpectedly
- 5
- [1.7.1] UUID error replacing local file with file external
- [ANN] SubGit Early Access Program Build #789
- [BUG/REGRESSION] mod_dav_svn service stopped working with subversion-1.7.1 on x86-64 Linux
- [Gpsbabel-code] svn and autoconf
- Another performance issue with subversion 1.7.x and nfs mounted working copies
- Apache and subversion per directory authorizations with different group source.
- Apparent "svn rm" scaling problem in 1.7.x
- Assertion failed and crash with 1.7.1
- Authz permisison problem after upgrade from 1.6.16 to 1.7.1
- Automatic update of externals after merge?
- AW: 1.7.1 working copies - verification
- AW: Authz permisison problem after upgrade from 1.6.16 to 1.7.1
- AW: AW: Unable to delete directory in repository, server version 1.7.1
- AW: Backup of VisualSVN
- AW: Client commit hangs, server svnlook.exe hogs CPU
- AW: Modified (properties only)
- AW: svn+ssh making too many requests
- AW: svnadmin load is slow for many small revisions
- AW: Unable to delete directory in repository, server version 1.7.1
- Backup of VisualSVN
- BDB backend in SVN 1.7.1
- Branching an svn external causes svn to crash
- branching strategies in subversion
- Bug (svn 1.7.1) with reintegrate merge and deleted symbolic links
- bug 4035 is not really fixed
- Bug: Subversion Windows installer not setting paths correctly
- bugreport
- Can not do autoimic commit for deleted forlder and modification in some other folders/ files.
- Cannot cleanup
- Changing the location of where tempfile is created
- Check-in all files at a time?
- Checkout including externals is getting the head revision instead of specified one
- Checkout time after svnserve restart
- Client commit hangs, server svnlook.exe hogs CPU
- commit issue after computer crash / rebuild
- constraint failed Error during update
- Could not read chunk size: connection was closed by server
- Creating commits with empty changesets
- Database Corruption in SVN
- Difference between 'svn update' and 'svn checkout'
- Downloading Link for Ankh SVN 1.7.x for 64 Bit
- Downloading Link for SVN 1.7.1 Server
- E175002 error checking out from svgweb
- Enforce File Name with Naming Convention
- Error 500
- Error during cleanup
- Error during large checkouts with serf
- Error found
- error message
- Error on svnadmin dump
- error report
- Error when updating
- Failure using "svn patch" with Git patch that adds files. Wrong path is used.
- getting revision number into text file inside the working copy folder
- GnomeKeyring: not entering passwords
- Good strategies for incorporating an external code drop
- Howo to upgrade to svn server version 1.7.1 from 1.5
- Huge diff for one-line change in ASF repository
- Issue 3552 reopen ?
- issue-tracking + subversion (via svn+ssh)
- Issues with SVN and GNU Diff Utils
- LDAP group defined access control with out httpd
- line 1310: assertion failed
- line 94: assertion failed (svn_uri_is_canonical(url, pool)) - v1.7.1
- merge problem. impossible to revert deleted file
- mergeinfo marked not inheritable on sparse checkout
- Message: Access to '/repos/asf/!svn/me' forbidden
- mod_dav_svn and Apache <Location> directive
- Modified (properties only)
- Moving svn repository from one drive to another on windows server
- Network Share Checkouts
- Odd path name
- Perforce to subversion migration
- post-commit hook problems with SMTP
- Problem with compiling Perl bindings (1.6.17) on PowerPC
- Queries about SVN (Security related)
- R: Error 500
- Renaming on-the-fly?
- Request for Subversion Server 1.5.3 binaries for AIX OS link
- Sparse branches
- Status S
- Subversion 1.7.1 Migration
- subversion 1.7.1: can't checkout from hudson
- Subversion encountered a serious problem
- subversion error
- Subversion Exception!
- subversion questions
- Subversion repository config problem
- Subversion Serious Problem
- SVN - sparse checkout of externals
- svn 1.7.1 for Windows/64bit - cannot perform svn update
- svn and autoconf
- SVN as FRS (file release service)
- svn copy doesn't honour "--quiet" in 1.7.1 ??
- SVN error 500 - possibly active directory related
- SVN Merge Tracking Issues
- svn patch adds extra 0A character at the end of the line
- svn patch seems to mangle some properties, specifically svn:eol-style
- svn server binaries for windows 2003
- svn version in other format
- svn+ssh making too many requests
- SVN, VMware and veeam replication
- svnadmin load is slow for many small revisions
- Template for Post Commit Hook Script to Get Files
- The Subversion 1.7.0 Windows SWIG binding for python 2.7 and python 2.6 is not working.
- tortoise 1.7 - error on repository manipulation
- tortoise svn issue?
- Unable to delete directory in repository, server version 1.7.1
- Unreferenced pristines behavior in 1.7
- UNS: updating a remote copy of SVN
- Unsubscribe
- updating a remote copy of SVN
- Upgrade to svn 1.7 on cygwin causes W155007 not a working copy?
- Upgrading repo without using svnserve
- user access
- user access with subversion edge
- Virtual filesystems
- WC database corruption (1.7.1)
- wierd issue with subversion edge
- working on multiple patches
- workqueue.c line 672: assertion failed (checksum !=NULL)
- write-through-proxy and checksum error - URL path mangled in text data
- Wrong status after delete on directory
- y
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