RE: Unsubscribe
From: Jacquelyn Walter <>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 08:07:21 -0800
Hi Bob,
It might be as I was forwarded his old if
I attached the last email I received from this list but not sure what
Jacquelyn Walter
Account Executive
CollabNet, Inc.
8000 Marina Blvd., Suite 600
Brisbane, CA 94005
O: 650.228.2504 | M: 415.260.6826 | F: 650.240.0178
Agile Development in the Cloud
7,000 companies, 5M users, 90+ countries
From: Bob Archer []
I tried to but it told me that your email address was not on the list.
From: Jacquelyn Walter []
Can you unsubscribe my email from this list?
Thank you!
Jacquelyn Walter
Account Executive
CollabNet, Inc.
8000 Marina Blvd., Suite 600
Brisbane, CA 94005
O: 650.228.2504 | M: 415.260.6826 | F: 650.240.0178
Agile Development in the Cloud
7,000 companies, 5M users, 90+ countries
attached mail follows:
Dear Johan,
Now we sure that we can differentiate between different forms of commit, is it possible by any SVN enthusiasts to help me write pre-commit script to deny delete/add transactions for certain users.
Thanks & Regards,
Jerryleen S
Project Coordinator, PRDC
-----Original Message-----
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 7:44 AM, Daniel Shahaf <> wrote:
To reiterate what Daniel said: you can perfectly well see the
Of course this is only speaking at file/directory granularity (which
-- Johan ****************************************************************************************************************** Please consider the environment before printing this email. Do it only if it is absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The contents of this email including attachment(s), if any, are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you have received this mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachment(s).Computer viruses or other malware can be transmitted by email. Therefore, please check this email and any attachment(s) for the presence of viruses, malware, etc. The PRDC accepts no liability whatsoever for any damage - whether direct or consequential - caused by any virus, malware, etc. transmitted by this email. ****************************************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************************************** Please consider the environment before printing this email. Do it only if it is absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The contents of this email including attachment(s), if any, are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you have received this mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachment(s).Computer viruses or other malware can be transmitted by email. Therefore, please check this email and any attachment(s) for the presence of viruses, malware, etc. The PRDC accepts no liability whatsoever for any damage - whether direct or consequential - caused by any virus, malware, etc. transmitted by this email. ****************************************************************************************************************** ![]() |
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