TortoiseSVN Users
- 1.9.x nightlies fail again to build
- [TSVN] Bug: blame revisions from showlog takes same revisions
- [TSVN] Feature request:
- Anonymous access reportet in Logfile
- Authorization Error while connecting SVN from Netbeans
- BUG ==> Tortoise SVN won't prompt for Credentials.
- BUG: Says tried to modify a directory, but really was a file
- Choosing the revisions to merge is very slow
- Commit hangs
- Diff of only certain file types? Versus WC?
- Double click behaviour in update log
- Help: TortoiseSVN Check-in Problems
- Hitting enter in Search bar on project monitor closes it
- Horizontal wheel scrolling in TortoiseMerge
- Latest release older than my setup?
- libsvn_tsvn32.dll's problem
- Log message problem on 1.9.5
- Merge Obstructed in the working copy
- Network error: Software caused connection abort, take 2
- No keyboard shortcut for Revert dialog
- Settings to disable application updates.
- SSL client certificate from Windows certificate store
- The XML response contains invalid XML
- Tortoise SVN 1.9.4 doesn't save auth data
- TortoiseSVN 1.9.5 released
- TortoiseSVN translation status report for r27534
- TortoiseSVN translation status report for r27553
- TortoiseSVN translation status report for r27568
- TortoiseSVN translation status report for r27582
- Unsynchronized zooming in TortoiseIDiff
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